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My fish pond before the raccoons destroyed it. The rootball was over 300 pounds in one season.

glennlab 10 Aug 12
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Very pretty. Hope you have more success next time around.

This is at least my 10th attempt to get exactly the pond I wanted, so the next one should have more corrections and be closer to what I want.

@glennlab You are determined!

@itsmedammit My ex was determined for me not to have fish indoors, I was determined to have fish. Plus I like the edible aquatic plants.


Concrete pond needed ... I did mine with a jcb and dug down 5 feet. 9 inch of concrete base, then concrete block walls laid flat so 9 inch thick and then rendered blocks (used to work as a bricklayer) - 10,000 gallons . You can lstop walls just above ground level and disguise edge with stone etc

To dig spmething like that where I live would cost as much as an in ground swimming pool. I live on a rock escarpment, 6 inches down is solid rock. I already had evaluated this, since it was my first choice. but thanks for the input.

@glennlab if you have a slope you could construct a fantastic run of smaller ponds with waterfalls between - pump from bottom to top. Clear dirt off stone, little concrete to seal surface at each level ....look great

@ShadowAmicus I'm just going to go back to the one I had with a new liner, there are a lot of considerations that I had to take into account and the location, shape, size (2500 gal), are pretty much decided. I already have the liner andpond set up, I just need to empty the underwater features out, drop the new liner in, make the modifications for the overhangs, reinstall the underwater features, add water, chemicals, plants, then add fish,

@glennlab Devastation 2 - return of the raccoons
hope they don't make the sequel for you


How beautiful! So sad the critters messed it up.😢


That is stunning! I am so sorry it got destroyed!

Hathacat Level 9 Aug 12, 2019

Gonna rebuild, better this time.


That is beautiful. And one thing I never got into. Water plants. Unless you count a sweet potato in a jar 🙂

freeofgod Level 8 Aug 12, 2019

My mother could grow some of the most beautiful sweet potato plants in a huge glass bowl. I should give it a try.


Gorgeous flowers. The lilies my grandfather had in his pond were all white.

RussRAB Level 8 Aug 12, 2019

That's very nice


Did they eat it ?

Besalbub Level 8 Aug 12, 2019

They tore the liner, and i just haven't had the energy to reline it, probably next month with some anti animal fixes.

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