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Question: who here has ever used mycorrhizal fungi concentrate in your garden? What was your experience? I saw a youtube gardening video extoling its virtues, and I took the plunge and ordered a small supply. Now I am wondering if it is all hype or truly wonderful stuff. I would love to hear input, including "how" you chose to apply it to the root zone of your plants.
Here is the version I actually ordered: Wildroot Organic Mycorrhizal Fungi Concentrate (16 Species) Endo & Ecto Mycorrhizae Inoculant Powder for Explosive Plant Root Growth -1 Scoop (About 1/4 TSP.) Makes 1 Gal (Powder, 1 oz.) []

MikeInBatonRouge 8 Oct 8
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I use a peat based commercial grow mix in my greenhouse tomato buckets that contains mycorrhizal fungi - it costs the same and is a cheep additive...

FrostyJim Level 8 Oct 8, 2019

I once took part in a lab test on them which proved to be ineffective, but that was only one small test. I think though that they could be a bit like the yogurts, which are sold with active bacteria, they may help if your gut flora is damaged or lacking those species, but otherwise they are just a waste of money, and as it is unlikely your gut is deficient, they are nearly always a waste of money.

Fernapple Level 9 Oct 8, 2019

Most of the recent scientific literature is only tested on cotton and soybeans, In mono cultures. Most of the studies are conflicting and show positive results only under very specific conditions, there were also multiple studies with negative results, as well as cautions about knowing the potentcy of off the shelf manufactured spores. They are very heat sensitive and can go sterile from being in a hot truck or warehouse. Best of luck.

glennlab Level 10 Oct 8, 2019

Unless you are planting in sterile soil or bare soil, it is probably a waste of money . Your soil already contains copious amounts of these fungi, the ones that are there are native to YOUR soil and will benefit plants that are acclimated to your area. If you are planting in containers or using large amounts of potting soil, then they may be a decent additive. You would be able to get the same inoculation by mixing in native soil.

glennlab Level 10 Oct 8, 2019

Helpful comment. I didn't spend much. All of my garden is new, most of it in raised beds with purchased soil, so I am trying to establish helpful micro-organism ecosystem. Sounds like homemade compost (which I am working on but takes time) is as helpful as anything. I also have been reading from advocates of no-dig gardening, who seem to like to reference fungal and microbial soil health concerns.

@MikeInBatonRouge Composting will add as much to your soil as anything. Heavy mulching will also contribute to soil health. Add new mulch every year and just mix last years into the soil. I use everything organic in my trash to my compost, including shreded paper, all my kitchen waste to include cooking oil and i add about a gallon of yeast mix about once a month to farther break down the starches and sugars in the food waste.

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