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My last zucchini plant wilted in the night which feels like a tangible sign of fall here on the Oregon Coast. Friends are coming to tour my garden which will be a lot of what it will look like rather than what it is. Even the stuff in the greenhouse is looking leggy or giving up the ghost. Perhaps time for a rest until the pre-spring?

bobbio52 5 Nov 6
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Give it up honey.....fall has zapped everything. Nightime temps are going down too low lantana has turned its nose up and said "see ya" (next spring - when I'll buy new ones cause they don't overwinter up here in the mountains).

Lavergne Level 8 Nov 6, 2019

It is not sadness. The plant in now in the composter and the pill bugs are munching on it along with other beasties in my bin. Should be soil and ready to start again in the spring.

@bobbio52 Yup -the whole circle of life thing. I'm wondering if it might be age related tho - I used to love the fall season the most but it seems like I am enjoying the spring times more as I've gotten older. That burst of color really makes one feel alive....


I miss being able to raise zucchini, by May the squash bugs have invaded the vines so they have to be taken out.

glennlab Level 10 Nov 6, 2019

Here there is a joke going around. Never leave your door unlocked in the fall. You will return home to see someone dropped off a load of large, extra zucchini's in your kitchen.

Where I used to live they sent the kids sneaking around with brown bags full of veggies to drop by the front door.... ring the bell and run!

Okay sometimes I stayed to say "Hi". But no refusals were allowed.

@RavenCT would NEVER refuse a bag of veggies! 😉

@Lavergne We never did either. Even if my Dad had to bring them into work to donate them further along.

We had a lot of folks making red sauce when the tomato run happened! lol

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