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I recently red this article somewhere on line about this guy that is one of the ten best composters in the world. He gets road kill, put them into some kind of mincer, then it goes into a vat with some chemical that brakes it down and that is apparently the best fertilizer there is. He needed a special permit for doing this and is traveling around the world teaching councils about it. I am sorry that I don't have any more information but what a great way of taking advantage of something like road kill.

Jolanta 9 Nov 10
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Everything I've ever read about compost warns against adding meats, oils and dairy. ???

Yes so have I, however I think it is because it attracts rats and mice.

@Jolanta or bigger rodents in Colorado like bears 😜


You need a hunting license to collect road kill in CA. So we stopped. My daughter made a coonskin hat and my ex made deer jerky. They also cured some pelts. Not my thing at all though; I'm satisfied to be vegetarian.

Carin Level 8 Nov 11, 2019

I have been using meat in my compost for 40 years, the only time there is odor is if you place large amounts on top and don't bury it. I have blue fly larva in my compost and they can consume a whole opossum in a matter of hours during the summer. I can see where with large amounts you would need to liquefy or slurry it. The proteins provide much needed nutrients and are more easily broken down than vegetable matter, which still makes up the bulk of my compost.

glennlab Level 10 Nov 10, 2019

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