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Climate change anyone... My peach trees seem to think it is spring 😢

Heidi68 8 Dec 21
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This is a common occurrence with fruit trees. Even here a warmish winter brings on early buds. A late frost threatens the harvest so in some places and commercial orchards have special heaters to keep the trees from freezing.

JackPedigo Level 9 Dec 22, 2019

Good thing I am not a commercial grower cause they are not getting a heater 😁

@Heidi68 Not even a hair dryer with a long extension?

@Heidi68 But do consider a simple way to keep them from freezing. Only on the harshest nights, plan to have a few strategic fires will save your trees.

@Robecology unfortunately I am not in a position to guard a fire all night so that isn't an option

@JackPedigo You volunteering to stand out there with the hair dryer all night? 🤣

@Heidi68 How many trees do you have? I see you live in N.C.; So It all depends on how many trees you have, and how important it is for you to have fruit in the spring.

My recommendation; on one of those forecast bitter cold nights - if you want to have peaches in the might want to invest in a poor person to "keep a few fires lit" through the night.


It was like that here in the UK last year, but so far it seems to be a more normal winter with us this year.

Fernapple Level 9 Dec 22, 2019

The northeastern US is getting snow dumped on them but we have been very mild.... I just know the end of January/ beginning of February we will get a terrible freeze 😢


Hope they don't get hit by a dolc snap , you'll lose the entire crop .

Cast1es Level 9 Dec 22, 2019

My grandmother's daffodils bloom a full 3 weeks earlier than they did when I was a kid (I'm 71) Daffodils hibernate underground and respond to warming earth, only.

AnneWimsey Level 9 Dec 22, 2019

I actually walked some of my bulbs yesterday expecting to see shoots but luckily there were none...


Wow, what's the temperature over there?

We had aabout a week of fairly cold but it has been fairly warm, in the 60s for several days. Yesterday yesterday high 50s & today low 50s. Nights are cold but not as bad as usual.

@Heidi68 a few days ago, it was 16 degrees here with a wind chill of 7 degrees!! No peaches here😋🤣

@Cutiebeauty, @MissKathleen it is usually right around freezing so I don't worry but this year other than that one week of 'normal' we have been very mild (I still wear shorts & a t-shirt at work mild). I keep watching the weather systems cross the US but by the time they reach us - nothing.....


I hope you don't get a hard freeze before spring.

Me too...

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