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Thought I'd try to post some photos from my garden. Spring has come early to the bay area with warmer than normal temperatures. The bad news is that the rain has stopped sooner than usual.

We have a smallish warehouse where we live and my wife has her studio. The warehouse is 40 by 80 feet. The rest of the 100 by 120 foot lot is at my disposal to garden on. I've pretty much planted it all by now but the back bit is the oldest and most impressive. The two photos I've tried to load are of the back garden.

MarkWD 7 Feb 27
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Very nice.



Heidi68 Level 8 Feb 27, 2020

Thank you. I noticed on your bio that you have six more dogs than I do and have completed one more circumnavigation of the sun than I. Dog are great and I like having two so that they have some doggy companionship and so I can observe some of their hijinks together .. but eight??? Holy moly. You either have something really good going or have painted yourself into a corner I think. 😉

I just got my older one a knee surgery caused by letting her go too hard at eleven years old. Herding dogs only seem indestructible.

@MarkWD they are Yorkies (& 1 old blind Jack Russell). I use to breed them so that is the reason for the collection. Two is definitely a lot easier but I chose to breed so I will take care of them til the end.
Thanks for pointing out I am old 🤣🤣🤣


Thanks for the encouragement, everyone. Who else is unseasonally warm right now, I wonder? Here in California my gardening buddies in San Diego have gotten more than their usual allotment of precipitation and cold while we've gotten less than the usual in the bay area. In April I'm getting a new knee so I will try to do what I can for the garden now. By the time we have our studio/garden party in June it is likely nature will have gotten the upper hand with more weeds than I can get to. Last year we held it in May and nearly got washed out by big storm. Where is that water now when we need it?

MarkWD Level 7 Feb 27, 2020

@MissKathleen My sister lives north of Spokane now and likes to take their motorhome south in the winter, though I think she is getting a little tired of that now.

Our climate has always fluctuated between drier and wetter years. Last year was a bonanza of precipitation here. This year looks like the opposite. But global climate change is undeniable. We never had such huge fires as the past couple years when the air was choked with smoke over huge areas, and look how bad Australia has burned this year. The planet is heating up - even as winters remain colder than summers.


Lovely garden! Love the water feature!

I found that fountain early on and have always loved the color, size and shape. My dogs like to drink out of it even when I put out fresh clean water. Heck the pond in the back is even muckier and they also like to drink from that. For my dogs, water always tastes better if you're stepping in it. I'm going to try loading a photo a different way, sorry if it doesn't work out but I haven't figured out how to edit a post here yet.


@MarkWD very cute picture! Dogs do like some yucky stuff. Maybe because they only have 7 taste buds!!! Great looking pond!


That looks wonderful.. I like the chair in the shade...


Very lovely. You've made good use of your space. I wouldn't mind relaxing there if I had the opportunity.

RussRAB Level 8 Feb 27, 2020

Very nice.

glennlab Level 10 Feb 27, 2020

Your hard work has definitely paid off, that is incredibly and amazingly beautiful!!

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