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That's why I do it...

FrostyJim 8 Apr 2
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She knows from experience having survived the Nazi shutdown of her country. Having had to eat tulip bulbs to survive, the malnutrition prevented her from pursuing a career in ballet. Frail all her life. Thanks again, fascists. "Make Germany Great Again". Adolph Hitler

Mooolah Level 8 Apr 2, 2020

My favorite actress of all time. What a jewel of a person she was! Full of gentleness and kindness.😍


There are those who plant , expecting a harvest . There are those who plant , knowing that only those who come after them , will see their handiwork . Plant some trees . Make the earth a greener place .Wow ! Was thinking I was alone here , at 3:14A.M. , but just noticed there are five others in the gardner's group up and on line .

Cast1es Level 9 Apr 2, 2020

Some of us were sound asleep in their bed because they spent the day digging in their garden by hand because they couldn't get the rototiller started. 😀

I'm with you but when I think of who will enjoy it after me I always hope it will be broader spectrum of creatures than just we two-leggeds.

My start in the garden was as a non-gardening spouse drudge who would re-issue the warning that whatever plant she put in the hole I was digging would surely perish unless she tended it. At the time I favored food plants. Now the entire garden is my play thing and I don't plant any vegetables and have been taking fruit trees out without putting new ones in.

My own interest in making a garden began when, instead of constructing another still larger outdoor aviary, I decided to enhance the garden to make it more useful to birds and insects. Of course along the way I became as interested in the plants as in the birds so what has resulted is a compromise between serving nature and serving my own emerging aesthetic sense.

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Posted by FrostyJim...I have enough room for a few good people.

Posted by glennlabMy heavenly Blue Morning Glories have finally gotten their color.

Posted by glennlabMy heavenly Blue Morning Glories have finally gotten their color.

Posted by FernappleIts that season again, blue sky and golden leaves, nature is the greatest designer, a Ginkgo in my garden. Also posted in photography.

Posted by Diaco Black Sapote - The chocolate pudding tropical fruit! (2 videos) [] []

Posted by Diaco Black Sapote - The chocolate pudding tropical fruit! (2 videos) [] []

Posted by Diaco Black Sapote - The chocolate pudding tropical fruit! (2 videos) [] []

Posted by Diaco Black Sapote - The chocolate pudding tropical fruit! (2 videos) [] []

Posted by FrostyJimMaking my last batch of 2024 oven roasted tomato sauce on Oct. 10 ready to start filling jars.

Posted by FrostyJimMaking my last batch of 2024 oven roasted tomato sauce on Oct. 10 ready to start filling jars.

Posted by FrostyJimMaking my last batch of 2024 oven roasted tomato sauce on Oct. 10 ready to start filling jars.

Posted by FrostyJimI needed to preserve my bell peppers so I made Indian chutney last night.

Posted by FrostyJimI needed to preserve my bell peppers so I made Indian chutney last night.

Posted by FrostyJimMoose family munchin' on my Raspberries right now at about 8:30 on Tuesday night!

Posted by FrostyJim3 giants total over 3 lbs! Bush Early Girl hybrid grown in my Wasilla Alaska zone 4b greenhouse...

Posted by FrostyJim.

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