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Happy Naked Gardening Day!

MsAl 8 May 5
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I didn't do it either, because well.. neighbors. I just liked the picture. I thought about watering the houseplants naked but it didn't seem the same and then the kids woke up.

MsAl Level 8 May 6, 2018

Dang kids.

Lol. Depends on how warm it is.


Did anybody do it? I would have loved to, but my neighbour is on license for killing his wife, so I gave it a miss....

You can come over next year and we can try it together here.

@AstralSmoke Schick mir der Flugschein und ich bin gleich da!

@GoldenDoll Na gut, Ich mach das. Und wann kommst du?

@AstralSmoke Whenever you want.

@GoldenDoll Next year. We missed this one already.


I have a sad disgusting story to share that happened 25 years ago in this area I now reside in. It started with a woman doing exactly what the photo depicts. It ended with her husband and 2 others from the Lutheran offshoot cult that they belonged to brutally killing her to exhorcise the devils making her do this naked dancing. Whilst made for very lightweight response the following is reasonably accurate and can be checked through Google.


I must pinch this and send it to my organic farmer friend though his wife may not approve.


It's dark now, maybe a better time to naked garden...

CaroleKay Level 8 May 5, 2018

I missed it.

... but I think it's a great idea.


Great picture!

Donna_I Level 8 May 5, 2018

It was a nice day but I don't think the neighbors would appreciate that. Did a bit a weeding this morning in my pj's. ?

Donna_I Level 8 May 5, 2018

If that was the pair with the pic of Donald kissing your ass on the back of it I think that you would have been safer going naked! Hi Donna, I thought of you a week ago when I used tamarind concentrate in the week's soup. Did you get round to trying it out?

@FrayedBear lol! Nope they are not of the big Don at all though around here that might not automatically be a bad thing even kissing my rearend. 🙂 Small children in the neighborhood and all that. Need a larger solid fence before I would give grandening in the buff a go. I haven't tried the tamarind concentrate! Thanks for the reminder!!

@Donna_I I had a chicken soup going for a week and for something different after about 4 days put a dollop of tamarind into it to tart it up a little. I should have used more but at least i didn't have any emergencies - sometimes it has a very laxative effect on me or to put it bluntly "goes through me like a dose of salts!"

@FrayedBear I will approach with caution! Thanks! ?

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