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Spring is for the woodland. Since I have been restoring this piece of oak savannah, I have sacrificed the vegetable garden & chose to support my local farmers market. The blood root is going to seed. The trout lilies are ready to bloom. The shooting stars are sending up their buds. Solomon's seal & false Solomon's seal have sent up their shoots. Blue violets are massive this year & the yellow ones are not far behind. Of course a picture is worth a thousand words, but my photography has also been sacrificed for the intensive labor of spraying 2 gallons of herbicide on my nemesis garlic mustard & other nefarious invaders from across the seas.

Mooolah 8 May 10
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Yes indeed. The vast carpet of seedlings get the smother treatment or glyphosate. I pull or wack the flowering. They come in on the water shed from the neighbors. For 20+ years this has been a spring ritual. There are none that are permitted to seed from my own property. I plant ginger every where. The first project when I bought the parcel was buckthorn removal. Now all I have are the seedlings that I pull or spray individually..

Mooolah Level 8 May 11, 2018

Here's a tip for controlling Garlic Mustard without the spray. Mow before they bloom, and replace with Wild Ginger. Wild Ginger is allelopathy to Garlic Mustard.
If hardwoods like Buckthorn are ailing you, simply cut to ground level and paint with industrial strength Roundup.
Painting only affects the unwanted shrub or tree painted. Try to plan for a dry stretch in the weather, as Roundup takes a day or so to absorb into the vascular system.

Leafhead Level 8 May 11, 2018

Bee genocide?

FrayedBear Level 9 May 11, 2018

There's only one safe way to use Roundup, and that's only in a cut and paint strategy for root travellers like Brazilian Pepper in Fla. and Buckthorn in the midwest. Painting does not affect bees

Thank you for your concern. I do not use neonicotinoids which is derived from nicotine, & is affecting bee populations. My neighbor has 5 hives. We both have acres of adjacent prairie restoration. Neonicotinoids are used mainly by large agri businesses of which we are surrounded by but are working to enlighten them. We monitor the spraying as my neighbor also has an organic vineyard.

@Leafhead I use no Monsanto products such as Roundup for political reasons. I do use glyphosate sparingly & with intense focus on a particular plant. I use a plastic or glass cover on the fragile natives if I need to spray around them. Glyphosate is safe as it degrades in the soil. One molecule away from agent orange which does not. I painted the euro buckthorn stumps years ago. There are none on this of my good neighbors property. Together we have 12 acres of buckthorn, garlic mustard free properties. The woodland flowers re magnifiscent. Carry on. :0}

Thank you for your good stewardship. The world needs more eco-conscious people like you.

@Countrywoman Unfortunately the spray if not from properly adjusted nozzles can bounce and travel upto 140 kilometres. That means you need to educate an area nearly 300 across or about 61,500 square kilometers in area.

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Posted by FernappleNature is the best gardener still. All nature asks is a little space, that's all. Maybe no more than a slightly leaky fall pipe, and a bit of neglected wall, and you have a perfect tiny garden.

Posted by JolantaNematodes are helpful too.

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Posted by JolantaEarthworms are amazing workers.

Posted by JolantaLadybirds, the gardeners friend.

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Posted by FrostyJimSurprise! Alaska has farm country too.

Posted by FrostyJimSurprise! Alaska has farm country too.

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