7 11

You NEED the pl@ntnet app! It identifies any plant you come by for you with just a picture and tells you everything about it by having the wiki page right there in the app for you to read. I highly recommend it. I just found out I have 2 cherry trees and a pear tree in my new houses yard!

Agirlhasnoname 4 May 31
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I have just tried it for identifying the following flower but it doesn't seem to have it. I prefer the PictureThis interface.

FrayedBear Level 9 May 31, 2018

clematis? Is it climbing?

@Countrywoman No. It has sort of fallen and grown horizontally then started to droop shyly. Hence why I had to hold it to photograph it. I have a suspicion that it is supposed to be tree like - it may have grown from a 1" diameter stalk about 9" long that I planted. The stalk was like a soft bamboo.


There is also this phone app:

FrayedBear Level 9 May 31, 2018

I have that one but I seem to have more luck with picturethis plant instant identifier. But I use both to double check.

Donto101 Level 7 May 31, 2018

Thanks for the tip.

FrayedBear Level 9 May 31, 2018

It was unable to identify Peyote.

Maybe there is a way to add it? I havent tried dry leafs if it's dry.

@Agirlhasnoname it's a cactus. I grow several of them. My botany professor claimed to be able to identify any plant by it's flower, even offered 10 extra points to any that could bring a flower that she couldn't ID. I am the only person to ever collect the 10 points.


I keep seeing that and want it but I don't have a fancy phone

btroje Level 9 May 31, 2018

If you have a camera you can always take a picture,put it on your computer and use googles image search to find info.


That's phenomenal! Technology is amazing.

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