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The cucumbers have taken over the side of one raised garden and I have 7 little cucumbers so far. 😊😊

SkotlandSkye 8 June 2
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Most of mine haven't yet broken the soil.

and that is why I don't live in the north anymore.... 🙂

@SkotlandSkye But, the long days and the cool night do grow veggies with the best taste.


Wow you are going to have a good harvest

Donto101 Level 7 June 2, 2018

It's already starting! it's going to be a good year! 🙂


Nom nom nom nom..... I couldn’t resist a cucumber....


I like to plant them on the edges of my garden and then spill the vines outside of the garden where they can get lots of sun and act as a perimeter defense against the deer that love to raid my garden. The deer don't like the prickly vines and tend to shy away, unless they smell beets, nothing keeps them from my beets except a chicken wire caging over top of the beets. 🙂

Surfpirate Level 9 June 2, 2018

Luscious cucumber raita coming soon.

CeliaVL Level 7 June 2, 2018

Is there a trellis in there or do the poles only support the shade cloth? I grow on a trellis so I don't have to crawl to pick.

In another two weeks they will have taken over the walkway between the two big raised gardens. No trellis...although I've thought about it. Want to come design one for next year? 😉

@SkotlandSkye Sure, I'll be right over! I use old wire that was on my family farm when I was a kid. My grandfather called it 'hog wire'. It's like really heavy chicken wire only with square openings about 5-6" across. strong enough to free stand. Or you can use concrete wire. I make mine into a circular tower so I can walk around. The first ones I did were just like a fence but if your row is 50 feet long, you have to hike around to the opposite side to pick or weed or whatever but the advantage of the fence is that you can string your drip irrigation line at waist height and install the lateral line straight down to the ground; no crawling to check on the emitters!

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