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Believing in God stopped when: Trump won the presidency! I was born with religion when I was born in 1964 and I did not realize that I was gay or afraid to come out until the late 1980's. I went to the gay picnics, had a great time and settled down.! I knew hate was still there and now Trump is building on the hate that we thought we got rid of! Trump is extremely dangerous and his only goal is to own the libs and be full of hate! I am a lib and nobody owns me! I am a dem and own a gun! I am a gay man and these right wingers think I am am girly! Step on my property and you right wingers will be screaming! It is about damn time, we gay men and women and all stop putting up with a liar in OUR White House! We must unite as one and we must speak! We as great people cannot allow hate to destroy our communities! Lets us take control! We rock! There is no God! God is used as hate! I wish people could understand!

soobydoody607 6 Apr 28
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I have nothing against gays, However your post is so full of hate and TDS! Can't you see how you are contradicting yourself?

richard62 Level 4 Apr 28, 2020

Good luck with that.

Mofo1953 Level 9 Apr 28, 2020

Getting rid of hate isn't as easy as toting a gun. Don't get me wrong; I support self defense. But as you implied, even as, outwardly, society seemed to be progressing some under Obama's leadership, ESPECIALLY re lgbtq rights and inclusion, there was a seething hateful backlash lying under the surface, ready to explode like a putrid zit. Anger, like yours, like my own, is a valid emotion, a red flag reaction to injustice and meanness. But hatred seems cooked up by some combination of personal insecurity, limited knowledge or perspective, and the notion, however acquired, that scapegoating will resolve that insecurity. America, specifically, has long worshipped the fantasy of "rugged individualism," a la Ronald Reagan, old westerns and action movies full of explosions and tough guys....there are too many to name. We as a nation sickly equate social responsibility and compassion for those less fortunate as somehow feminine, and therefore automatically weak and inferior.

There is a whole lot of education that needs to happen if we hope to become a caring society. Religion has been weaponized by unscrupulous actors to stir up more hatred and mistrust. Pretty curious when you consider that the Jesus character at the center of Christianity ostensibly stood for the exact opposite. But then, religion has always been what one makes of it, for good or bad.

My main hope is in seeing that simultaneously (naturally) progressive thinking and freethinking secularists are growing quickly in this country, even as the opposite also appears to be growing. We are a very polarized society, but bigotry has not won; they(GOP) merely have cheated their way to government power at the moment and are making a royal mess of it. Politically, I believe in pendulum swings. Trumpism and McConnell's cynical cheating have sewn the seeds for their own defeat. We just have to pay attention and speak out whenever possible. Ignorance is one thing that individually, even, we CAN fight.


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