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Would you date someone who is trans?

So, yet another post about "would you date a trans person?" [sigh] What is this... maybe the 5-6th thread which repeats this exact same question? (maybe more) Yes, the responses are somewhat more respectful (and positive) in this one, but how often does this same issue get rehashed? I get it... some would, most wouldn't, some are freaked out the question is even being asked and are forced to give as snarky an answer as possible to deflect their fear. Ultimately, for them, answering these is a form of recreation in their spare time. What is the weird obsession/confusion people have about dating trans people?

PalacinkyPDX 8 Dec 23
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I know for me my curiosity is met with derision from the trans community. I would have no problem dating a transman and I would like to experience that. But I don't know where to meet a transman and whenever I set out to do that I am told by that community that I am sick and a tranny chaser. I can see myself developing a relationship with a transman but if I can't get past the trans community, how am I going to do that? I would appreciate any input you could give me.

@PalacinkyPDX I work for a lgbtq church in Palm Springs. I am familiar with trans people and because of that I think I'm very sensitive to the issue. I would never say something as rude as I want to find a transman because it's the best of both worlds. That's just disgusting! The way I look at it is it there's a person inside there and I think that I have the capacity to date and possibly fall in love with someone who is a transman. But how will I know unless I get the opportunity? maybe you're right here in Palm Springs the chances are pretty slim. I don't know. Thank you for your response 🙂


Realistically there is a more important question than "would you date a trans person?" which is:
"would a trans person date you?"
Answer= 99.99999999999 no chance probability if you ask questions like that, because by asking the question you have proven you are unable to do the most important thing a trans person requires, which is just accept them as the person they are and let them feel comfortable in their own skin just as you would expect for yourself.
Conclusion people asking that question are so totally wasting their time on a subject needlessly because let's face it those types of question are usually made by people who need a bucket to hold a conversation and don't know the concept of human decency.

heatherUNS Level 4 Dec 24, 2018

@PalacinkyPDX I have to admit that my biggest problem with trans people was coming to terms with the fact I am one, but it's how you question something which is what matters, there is a big difference between questioning something you don't understand and being directly degrading to the person that is that thing, I would call myself a hard liner, you have to prove me wrong, but when you do I admit it and the problem is when people phrase things in a way that may as well read "you're a freak and disgusting".
I get what you mean but it's kind of a case of how much rope do you give someone to hang themself, maybe some will come to understand, personally I have evolved a lot from what I was "educated" to be but some people won't make that leap ever because they won't ever ask "who am I to cast the first stone?" and understand what it takrs to really matter as a person. We unfortunately live in a sick world and just have to hope that people grow beyond hate.....and try our best to not go as low as that ourselves.


I see them as human beings like everyone should. I perfer male genittalia as I am gay but trans people are just human beings also

@PalacinkyPDX first time I see a post like this and I have several months here, just saying.

@PalacinkyPDX either I didn't see them or I didn't pay much attention, and I've been a member since September

@PalacinkyPDX no wonder I wasn't interested with those titles


Because there is s sh1t ton of confusion concerning trans people. “Oh, you mean there are trans-men? And that is from sisters! Never mind CIS hero’s.
The umbrella includes: People who have or are in the process of transitioning from one gender to another. People who are post-op alll the way to non-op Non-binary people, and drag queens/kings. So does the person who is asking about dating trans people even know what they are asking?

CS60 Level 7 Dec 23, 2018

@PalacinkyPDX LOL I was never a lady; muddy, dirty, smelly Tom boy


This was a better thread than most. I was ready to adjust my tits and go in - however - I think they were actually curious about peoples ideas?

In this case it was more like "Hey why wouldn't you date this man or woman?" - with a bit of phobia thrown in here or there. And a bit of concrete - "I know myself and maybe this end of the spectrum is more what I want".

At least it wasn't a fishing expedition this time.

I have to admit ever since I watched a trans surgery online? Phew. My curiousity is sated. I've had to have surgery on my "Parts" due to problems and I do not envy that part of the process if it's chosen. I'm not a wussy but that surgery made me wince. (It's also AMAZING!). I can't believe how close the two genders really are. Made me understand that part to a T.
Men have it on the outside - Women on the inside. Literally just mirrors of each other.

I actually would recommend watching it done *if you have the tolerance for watching surgeries.

  • The folks who have obsessions with Trans people to do some kind of notch on their bedpost? I want to smack the shit out of the them. Right up there with people who pursue perfect 10s just for looks.
    It's shallow as hell - and does not take into account that the other person is a HUMAN BEING.

I don't know how that gets overlooked.

RavenCT Level 9 Dec 23, 2018

@PalacinkyPDX Yes and I knew that? Knew that at a certain point in development they went one way or the other?
I was able to watch my own surgery - beforehand - just fine - but this looked like a whole lot of "Nope" to me. (pain mostly). So kudos to the folks who go through it and get to the other side. They better give them excellent drugs.
Like the ones that made me believe "Dynasty" was the best show ever - for about 1 hour. 😀


It is still exotic and unfamiliar to most people.
It is essentially like asking straight cis women if they would ever knowingly be with a man who had slept with other men. The mere idea (even as little as 15 years ago) freaked out a lot of straights, who, btw, blamed bi men for spreading AIDS to "normal" people. Judgmental Fuckers!

Having said that, the question itself does not automatically mean someone is a bigot. We all have to ask ourselves questions on a host of traits in prospective love interests. It is a very personal thing. But I can see the reason for frustration of anyone who would like to move public discourse forward.

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