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GAY TIMES research finds that only 36% of today’s youth identify as ‘exclusively straight’


I can picture the Pope, in a kind of Doctor Evil role, holding his head in his hands and crying "My breeding machine! My beautiful breeding machine!" as the Vatican crumbles around him.

NicoleCadmium 7 June 25
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I might pay money for that photo! 👍 😎

RavenCT Level 9 June 25, 2019

Interesting but vague. All these resaearch projects based on people having to rate themselves should be taken with a grain of salt. "Straight " does not mean exactly the same thing to all people. Same goes for "gay," "bi," or "curious," too. I read a recent article that said "more straight men" are having same-sex sexual encounters but still consider themselves so much more attracted to women physically that they identify as straight. And since those identity labels are about personal identity, no one else can really declare them categorically "not straight." Hmm... It is all so imprecise. One of the big problems with language in general.

But it means the stigma of being non-hetero is being eroded. It's acceptable (maybe even cool) to be something other than straight. It means kids are no longer being bullied into trying to be straight, as certainly happened to my generation. Or at least the bullying isn't being as effective.

How many of them will ever come out as anything other than straight, is a different matter. But I'm sensing that isn't the big deal that it used to be, either.

@NicoleCadmium Absolutely, that part of it is very good. I saw another report saying far more people now identify as bisexual than do as gay and lesbian combined. But bisexuals are far more likely to remain closeted and for much longer. So there is improvement, but a long to go yet. I recall a Harvey Feirstein quote (might as well be from any drag queen anywhere): "Visibility at all cost." It is more and more visibility that is humanizing us to hetero/cis world and lurching us unevenly toward widespread acceptance.
If only that were not understood by diehard haters as their cue to bash us and persecute even harder.


It would be good to go back to those pre-Victorian times when people intuitively understood orientation was on a spectrum and minded their own business about it.

brentan Level 8 June 25, 2019

AAAWWWW...i feel kinda bad for them...they had such a GREAT run through time...but the problem is...they continue to believe that people WILL do what THEY deem is right and inbetween. They believe they can change a persons mind from who they are to WHO THE VATICAN WANTS them to be. SAME WITH ALL the OTHER denominations. The Catholic Church is Queen of all the religions...but they are BEHIND the times of human evolution. Y'just can't hold people in the palm of your hand on your say so...ALONE.


It has been my observation that today's "youth" are far more sensible than any previous generation. They are far more accepting of people's gender.

davers Level 7 June 25, 2019

Broadly speaking, yes. I've taken part in lessons at my son's school where they teach that 'love is love' and that various family models, including one mother and one father, one mother or one father, and two mothers or two fathers, are all equally valid.

At the same time, we have lesbians attacked on a bus in London, and a man stabbed in the neck by youths aged 12-15 in Liverpool, in what appears to be a purely homophobia motivated attack, just in the last couple of weeks. So we aren't over the hill yet. It still isn't safe to be LGBT+, and there are still pockets of violent hatred towards us.

@NicoleCadmium UNFORTUNATELY...YOUR words ring true all over the world, NOT just in your area. It's a pity that we are all not more accepting of each other. WE have to accept straight people for who they are and their is open season on US ALL THE TIME!!!

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