8 5

Ann Widdecombe has come under fire after she suggested science could "produce an answer" to being gay. An answer? An effing ANSWER???!!!

By this logic let's produce an answer to being blonde or an answer to liking tartan or football! I've had enough of this awful woman (yes, just my opinion) - I only wish I knew what I can do about her. Maybe - just maybe this is a start.

For the many members here who may not be familiar with this woman, she used to be a prominent British politician and now (again my opinion) she is totally in love with herself and is a total git. (I always thought she was and I think she is now proving it).

Sandster 7 July 13
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"By this logic let's produce an answer to being" a f*cking conservatard Republican!

Daco2007 Level 7 Aug 26, 2019

I would invte Science to just prove what reality is...... INNATE from time immemorium!


Its environmental. The heterosexuals are overpopulating the earth, and as a reaction, there is a percentage of us being homosexual . That percentage are the ones who won’t breed. Therefore we are doing our part as homosexuals to help keep the human population from breeding itself out of existence.

MatthewH Level 5 July 22, 2019
I don't see the reason to become upset about the question-- there IS an answer to anything we can go into genetics, neuriologics or our development or our early environment etc. it will vary with every one of us so isn't going to elisit a very high probability hypothesis but with science, we have to posit that EVERYTHING is knowable or-- what isn't so maybe we shouldn't try.  Then there is the question==so what? I'm  who I am and it's the result of my genetics and total environment from utero to this instant!

WHY DON'T THEY...have science produce an answer to the problem...why are people STRAIGHT? I MEAN...WHY ARE WE...always under attack by them...who says THEY are NORMAL? Based on what of seen of their attitudes, their devil may care thoughts about LGBTQ+ people...the GAY politicians hiding in the closet...talking shit about gays...let's have SCIENCE look into WHY...STRAIGHT!!!

Answer: evolution for survival of species, if no procreation no survival.

@Mofo1953 NOPE...ANY LGBTQ+ PERSON can procreate...procreation is no reason for being straight...that's just biomechanics.

@Bungaloebob i did not say procreation was the reason, evolution is the reason, to survive as species. It is true that any homosexual or lesbian have the capacity to procreate, they may not have the willingness to have intercourse with someone they are not attracted to, the rest of the non LGBTQ will ensure humans survive and will do it willingly.


Here's my, "effing answer:" THANKS! Thanks for authenticity. Thanks for diversity teaching us about the richness of life. Thanks for nature's rainbow of sexuality. Thanks for the antitdote to oppressively rigid gender norms that otherwise crush creativity and the freedom to follow one's honest passions. Thank you Ellen, ...and Ellen, Neil Patrick Harris, Graham Norton, Wanda Sykes, Rachel Maddow, Alan Turing, Stephen Fry, Dan Savage, Anderson Cooper, and so many others who have made such positive contributions!


Isn't all this because she got on the Brexit bus?

I believe some day we will know some day what, between nature and nurture, causes all these things..

brentan Level 8 July 13, 2019

The answer to being gay... for some, the answer is, "Yes", for others, it's "No"... and still, for some others, it's, "Yes and no"... And still for some others, it's, "Maybe". There. Now she doesn't have to wait for science to get around to answering questions that don't exist.

Kafirah Level 8 July 13, 2019


There ya go... Plain and simple common sense! No wasted money on bogus crap!

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