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Good evening everybody. i have a question for the group...and I'd like an answer...if you have one...if not...I'm not really looking for sarcasm. About a month and a half ago, I received an...advertisement from 'THE HUMAN RIGHTS CAMPAIGN' I read all the literature in the mailing, liked what I read...and sent them $50.00. Basically...they were talking about Human Rights...which I agree with, and i was impressed with their presentation. Yes...I KNOW they have professionals writing their literature...PURPOSELY to impress people like me. ANYWAY...they sent me an EQUAL sign bumper and yellow as part of a thank you. So...because I was impressed with them, I was going to put it on the back of my car to support them.
I live in Virgina...western Virginia...farms, horses...cows...etc. A friend of mine told me NOT to put it on the back of my car, and I said...WHY NOT? And he said it's a sure sign of telling people you are gay. I was shocked to hear this from a guy i THOUGHT...was a bit more liberal minded. But...he HAS lived here all his life...his family is kinda related to his wifes family...and they have like a hundred people...all related who all know one another...yes...when I heard all his family ties my mouth was hanging open also. ANYWAY...what he said to me gave me some trepidations regarding my idea to apply it to my car. I'd LOVE some help here. I keep vacillating between putting it on and not putting it on...but I really don't have anybody here to talk to and get an honest response to my questions. I don't have a problem with...NORMAL...people seeing me as gay...that doesn't mean anything to me, but MOST PEOPLE HERE ARE...KINDA BACKWARD IN THEIR THINKING...YES...LOTS OF DONNIE STICKERS ON CARS. Can somebody give me some feedback here...more than half of me says DAMN THE TORPEDOES!

Bungaloebob 8 July 29
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It's actually an equal rights for all sticker. It's used a gay emblem but it's also used for womens rights and many others.

freeofgod Level 8 Aug 2, 2019

Probably perception only but if it's the thought there be cautious in some areas it's dangerous that's wrong but that never stopped prejudice before but myself I say fuck it

bobwjr Level 10 July 30, 2019

LOL...that's what I said...fuck it!


I have one from them. And it's on my bumper. One thing about these backwoods places. The majority of people are to ignorant to even know what it is 😉

freeofgod Level 8 July 29, 2019

So... I went outside... Turned my car around, backed it into my driveway, washed off an area in the back at eyeball level... And put that sticker on my car!!! Thank you all for your feedback... You really did help me make up my mind.


I think the worst of the "casual homophobes," meaning, those uncomfortable with the whole topic but not activist about their dislike, they won't even know what it is. People who DO recognize it will first think you support respect for, and inclusion of, lgbtq+ people. Yay! That's the point. Secondly, they might wonder if you are "family" or if you are an ally, but they likely won't have any reason to think they can know for certain which one. There are now so many allies and so many indifferent people who at least are no longer shocked to hear that we exist in great numbers and are really just another shade of normal. If by some chance, someone asks you about the sticker, it gives a chance for some casual educating. Win win.


I have the Human Rights equal sticker on the back of my Soul, along with a sticker that says Tolerance. I also have the Equality Florida equal sticker on my side window. Just do it!

Wildflower Level 8 July 29, 2019

LOL...I ALREADY HAVE. I went outside and just did it a bit ago...I just got to the point where i am not going to have anybody tell me how to live my life.


Do what feels right to you. You are not obligated to put that sticker or any sticker on your car. But if its something you feel comfortable doing then certainly do it. Also, I think most people won't even know precisely what the sticker means. I actually did not know that the EQUAL bumper is an indication of sexual orientation. 😀

i had never heard that either...but apparently this guy did. Maybe he just made it up, but truthfully, all the things you just said...have run through my head. And what feels RIGHT to me is to put it is where it is going tomorrow. I DO appreciate your feedback, my friend.

it's an equal rights for all sticker. Yes it shows up at gay pride parades. But it shows up many other places.


Easy fix, put it on your car and put another sticker beside it that says "Equality for ALL" or something similar. Also, don't cater your life to homophobes. All it will do is restrict your life while not challenging theirs. In other words, if you let them win, they win and you lose.

Kafirah Level 8 July 29, 2019

You're right...that's what i've been telling myself like i said...the greater part of me wants it on HAS to be there i feel. THANK YOU for your feedback.


Go on, put it on...

Thanks, Cutie...i kinda have come to that conclusion...i just needed some feedback...thank you.

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