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I stumbled upon a video called Gay Hollywood: The Last Taboo. It's from ten years ago, but I wonder how much has changed. It specifically covered gay and lesbians actors. They did not mention trans folks and barely touched on bisexuals, much less all the other members of the LGBTQ+ community not mentioned above.
If you have the time to watch it, please do and then reply with your opinions.
Ten years have passed since this documentary - Is it any better now?

MrLizard 8 Nov 18
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Who da f*cks business was this, EVER?!!?

AnneWimsey Level 9 Nov 21, 2019

This was a great documentary, my favorite genre. The taxi driver for many celebs knew all of the secret liasons. It is far far far better than it was. Marriage equality!. Who would have thunk it? It believed cannabis would be legal before marriage equality. We still have work to do but that is democracy. Ponderous. We must make clear the necessity & value of organizing & voting. I took a lot of heat as a big mouth for many "minorities". Some one has to stand when no one else does. I worked at blue collar jobs where I put a stop to workers yelling "FAGGOT" across the work room floor. I have no problem being a pariah when bigots are involved. Vote!

Mooolah Level 8 Nov 21, 2019

Is it better? Yes, I think so, but it feels still like it is on the brink of being really better, rather than that is now alright. The topic of us queers seems far more acceptable. But just like the film says, the poor actors are caught in the middle. I almost want to say "Fuck straight movies! I'll just watch queer films" ...because there is SO MUCH of it available now. (Unfortunately, the truly excellent queer films are still the exception rather than the norm. But am I being too harsh? There are plenty of crappy straight movies, too.) In that sense of sheer amount of queer cinema, it really has changed tremendously, and I love that. I have a bit of a queer cinema dvd collecting hobby, actually. But that double standard of crossover work among straight vs gay actors remains highly aggravating and disappointing to me.


Thanks for sharing this! Very interesting virtual sequal to the 1995 documentary "The Celluloid Closet."


According to IMDB, it aired in 2005, so 14 years ago. And Andrew Breitbart was involved with it. I would be suspicious of a negative slant.

bingst Level 8 Nov 18, 2019

Thanks for pointing that out. I noticed also Camille Paglia's commentary in it. She is a strange conservative would-be-feminist. But still the film is thought provoking, because the Hollywood closet is still there. Perhaps they are overstating it, though?

@MrLizard Re. Being pretty fair, I have the same impression.


Who's gay and doesn't say?

Mofo1953 Level 9 Nov 18, 2019
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