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Don't believe all they say! 😄

Merseyman1 9 Apr 26
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Really officer, it was consensual.

OldGoat43 Level 9 Apr 26, 2020

The term “molest” comes from Spanish to English translation. If I say “don’t bother the alligators”, spanish is “no molesta”. Not that we have a huge spanish influence down here!!!

In Spanish, salsa is called ketchup. 🙂


A friend of mine stole one of those signs and hung it in his study.

At the University of West Florida they have a boardwalk that goes through a swamp. There are signs posted to not molest the deadly snakes along the trail.

I've also seen the same signs for bears when I camp in the Smokey Mountains. Do not approach a bear with a strap on dildo. You will not be the first but you could be the last.

There are more things in heaven and Earth, Horatio, / Than are dreamt of in your philosophy -- Hamlet.

@TCorCM Hey, what did Horatio know?


Need the same sign at Catholic churches


I wouldn't be a bit surprised to find out they were feeding those alligators the people who were dying from the pandemic...


They don't need to worry about me feeding any alligators.

Lorajay Level 9 Apr 26, 2020

When I visit places that have alligator statues, I always take pictures of me petting the alligator. Same story with Petunia with statues of mother bears with cubs. When I post those pictures on line, people assume those were LIVE animals when I say I live dangerously.

Not that I'd ever mislead anyone.


Fucking Idiot's in Florida .

GEGR Level 7 Apr 26, 2020

"Fucking idiots"? That explains why I had an extensive sex life in Florida. I'd feed them and they would jump my bones. They'd bring friends if I left the liquor cabinet open. After that life became the plot of porno movie.

There is something to be said for fucking Florida idiots.

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