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Math problem 2020 edition

JazznBlues 8 July 16
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I really want to know the answer.

Spongebob Level 7 July 17, 2020

With the current mentality? None. Sadly.

Kynlei Level 8 July 17, 2020

Herd Immunity.

BD66 Level 8 July 16, 2020

Yet to get there we will likely end up with a death rate of 15 to 20%.... Herd immunity is only used by breeders if the death rate will be 2% or less....

@Lizard_of_Ahaz not with this virus check Sweden

@Lizard_of_Ahaz you are correct for people over 80. For people under 30, the death rates are less than 0.1%. If we are too ignorant, undisciplined, and inconsiderate to practice mask wearing and social distancing guidelines, herd immunity is our only choice.

@BD66 Actually they are finding that the death rate is much higher than you claim. Many states including Texas and Florida have hidden the actual death figures. At the end of May the actual death tool was over 27,000 higher than the official figures and at this point the number of actual deaths is far closer to 200,000 than the figures the government is citing. As hospitals become over taxed the death to survival rate will become far worse.

@BD66, @bobwjr Sweden has 13,884 resolved cases meaning that either the person survived or died... The number of deaths from the virus has been reported as 5.593.... This is well over a 34% death rate....


Given the current ideologies and the fact drumpf has all hospital sending their Covid 19 data to the white house none because the student was never tested so therefore never had it and there was no need to test because he didn't have it and later 60 children die in a horrific bus accident as the driver suffered a major stroke due to the blood clots forming in his body but they don't know why and it definitely was not Covid 19 because he never had it because there was no need to test. Sorry rather bleak outlook I know.

Budgie Level 8 July 16, 2020

A shit load

bobwjr Level 10 July 16, 2020

whole school, secondary exposure. Or send them all to the whitehouse to stay with trump

glennlab Level 10 July 16, 2020

Send them all home!!

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