#1 Lived at home until his mid 30s'....
#2 His mother thought he was god...
#3 Ran around with 12 men....
#4 Never got married or even dated a woman...
#5 Catered parties...
#6 Got nailed brutally by Roman soldiers...
Gay as fuck....
Although he had many men close to him, I honestly believe he not only was intimate with a woman, but bore children by her.
The "Da Vinci Code" book by Brown suggested the woman Mary Magdalen bore children fathered by Jesus that carried on the blood line to the present day - and The "Da Vinci Code' provoked a popular interest in speculation concerning the Holy Grail legend and Mary Magdalene's role in the history of Christianity.
Mary allegedly was the key person to help remove his body from the cross, and bury him in a tomb...but oppression of women blocked her testiment in the bible. In fact; there's no text written by any women in the bible.
The book has, however, been extensively denounced by many Christian denominations as an attack on the Catholic Church, and consistently criticized for its historical and scientific inaccuracies.
But the book is a great read...strongly suggested!!
He must have been gay. He had 12 men following him everywhere.
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