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So basically, things that are haram on earth will become halal in heaven. What kind of morality is this?

AravindAjith 6 July 25
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So, every martyr gets 72 Real Dolls?

Ludo Level 7 July 25, 2020

No mucus? So you're saying they have tons of lube in heaven? Either that or you're going in dry and that's not fun for anyone.

Kynlei Level 8 July 25, 2020

It will be an out of body sexual experience. The men will spirit fuck the virgins, that is why there are 72 of them for every man. They always stay virgins because there is no penetration. It's the same 72 virgin women spirit fucking every man. 🤔😅🤣🤣

noworry28 Level 8 July 25, 2020

For you to even ask...makes us wonder...

Robecology Level 9 July 25, 2020

That was a rhetorical question. 😊😊

@AravindAjith The rhetorical attitude doesn't come off well in print. Sarcasm and Rhetoric is good for face to face conversations...


No saliva? No mucus? Will there be lube?

HannaYou Level 6 July 25, 2020

I'd rather have the real thing.


Strength of a hundred men for only 72 women. That doesn't add up 😂😂

Some strength reserved for a few good men. Like in the Marines.

Does seem like he'd be coming up a little, err, short .

the rest of the strength is for when Allah tells him to bend over, it's time to accept allah as your prophet.

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