Re: #2 the answer is that you are sarcastic not Canadian....
No, not at all. It can only snow when the temperature is hovering around 0°C. So when we've had a cold snap of -25°C, and it snows, it has most definitely warmed up, considerably.
@scurry If you call that warm you are either insane or love living in a walk in freezer....
@scurry As someone that saw snow at -50F it is never too cold to snow, Yhe snow is as small assand, but it is still snow. found a reference []
@glennlab, @Lizard_of_Ahaz welp, when the past 2 weeks or so ran -25 or -30°C, yes, I do call 0°C warm. It's all relative.
@scurry So is incest but all things being relative 75F (23.9C) is what I consider warm....
@Lizard_of_Ahaz Well, that sure is an appropriate response. Thanks.
In the mild UK climate it always got warmer when it was about to snow. Never having experienced Canadian winter it I must ask a Canadian if it snows at -30°.
Snow happens when the air is warm enough to hold moisture and when it meets colder air. -30 would be pretty rare where I live (can't think of a singe instance actually ) but air that cold wouldnt hold must water
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