4 13

We'll soon get to the end of it!

QuidamOutrepont 8 Dec 19
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Be prepared; 2021 doesn't promise much;

  1. Vaccines. for COVID19 won't be commonly available for months.
  2. Trump will continue his fundraising and anti-democracy rallies.
  3. We are growing by 150 more births, than deaths, per minute; 220,000 more per day.
  4. Huge glaciers threaten to break off drift in to open waters, slow/stop the Gulf stream, produce worse weather, raise sea levels.


Sorry; buckle up!

Robecology Level 9 Dec 20, 2020

I'm afraid covid-19 is just the entrée. What will follow will be much worse.

@QuidamOutrepont I concur; C19 was a walk in the park for several reasons....

  1. Low infection rate (low Catch-ability)

  2. Low mortality rate (yes...I know a lot have died....but its' mortality rate was and is still low.

  3. It's non-vector transmission.

When...not if....when...a mosquito becomes a carrier for a virus with a higher death rate we are in for a serious problem.



Be aware, there is a new mutation of Covid 19, it's 70% more infectious.

Theresa_N Level 8 Dec 20, 2020

I heard the new mutation is already spreading in England.


LMAO whilst wiping it with 3 ply soft toilet paper!

FrayedBear Level 9 Dec 19, 2020

Not sure how i feel about it, now that you put it that way.

glennlab Level 10 Dec 19, 2020
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