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Not enough Bills.

jeshuey 8 Feb 12
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I have enough bills right now.The question was about a health danger. While I agree about the political stuff, that's a different question though.

morlll Level 7 Feb 12, 2021

That applies to most repubs and christains.

freedom41 Level 9 Feb 12, 2021

There's a pretty sizable bloc of anti-science nonsense on the left as well. Take RFK Jr. for example.


Some GMO strains prevent plants self propagating. Plus they are difficult to control; i.e. to stop them contaminating non GMO crops.
This is a real problem, but yes nice propaganda,
People changing their minds when presented with new facts is of course good.


Except that GMO companies use the GMO monopoly to sue other producers into bankruptcy. Given that they did not develop the technology they use to create these new strains, they shouldn't be able to use their monopoly power to sue anyone. Indeed, by becoming a monopoly, they should be broken up into smaller companies and maybe just nationalized.

racocn8 Level 9 Feb 12, 2021

Now if Bill would only admit the sea level rise has been about 1.4 inches since people started freaking out about it in 1994, we can go back to living our normal lives, utilizing fossil fuels, and using internal combustion engines. 🙂

BD66 Level 8 Feb 12, 2021
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