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A suggestion for Georgian (U.S.) lawmakers.

Robecology 9 Mar 25
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Dump the filibuster and get rid of these hateful laws

nicknotes Level 8 Mar 26, 2021

Ain't gonna happen in the near future;

"The most straightforward way to eliminate the filibuster would be to formally change the text of Senate Rule 22, the cloture rule that requires 60 votes to end debate on legislation. Here’s the catch: Ending debate on a resolution to change the Senate’s standing rules requires the support of two-thirds of the members present and voting. Absent a large, bipartisan Senate majority that favors curtailing the right to debate, a formal change in Rule 22 is extremely unlikely."


@Robecology On TV they keep saying the filibuster can be eliminated by majority vote. The Republicans voted to change the nomination of Supreme court justices without a 2/3 was this accomplished?

@nicknotes I think this is explained in the article;


@Robecology So there is a way around the filibuster with only a simple majority...

@nicknotes Not yet. W. Va. Democrat Manchin (should be called "Republichin" ) isn't happy with his "Republican friends across the aisle not being appeased".

Talk about a "thorn in one's side"



And you have to guess how many gum balls are in a big bowl.

And it's against the law to give those waiting in the line water or food.

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