9 9

Pretty much.

BDair 8 Apr 20
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Having had my 2 shots for about a month now, I wish i could accurately describe the sheer Relief of it! Spending all my energy, for a year, quietly floating on that River in Egypt (de Nial) because what else was there to do, was effecting me waaay more than I thought Until there was a step i could take to help myself. EVERYONE I have talked to feels Exactly the same! I highly recommend it!!!!!!!!!!!
Still staying home as there is little to go out for, & still wearing my mask when I do because I know how frightened & angry I get when see someone without one & do not wish to upset anybody. (Connecticut had/has strict laws so it is Very unusual to see someone without a mask...and businesses can & do eject anyone who enters unmasked...and there are big fines!)
But, The Relief! Priceless!

AnneWimsey Level 9 Apr 21, 2021

Truth in Science

@AnneWimsey This may be of interest to you. []

@BDair you just loooove fake news, doncha? The stupider the better...did you even Google this supposed "expert"?
He endorses hydochloroquinine. ( I hear Oklahoma has a stockpile) and his specality is pancreatic cancer.........
Oh, and he & his stuff are banned from YouTube ( the above will not play!) & FB for "distribution of false information." Just like drump!
But you go right ahead & help me out.......

Youtube is banning anything that does not support Big Pharma's narrative. There is another half of the debate that is being suppressed. I know your mind is closed on this matter, and you have a right to your own opinion whether or not it is supported by the facts. []

@BDair still awaiting a Current defense of your chosen "expert" & hydochloroquinine........

Info graphic

An early study. [].

@AnneWimsey There was another study. []

Another study. []

...and a study. []


Survey says...... []

BDair Level 8 Apr 21, 2021

It makes perfect sense to some people somehow.

BDair Level 8 Apr 21, 2021



I think I will continue relying on my innate immunity and healthy diet to stave off the evil COVID 19. []

BDair Level 8 Apr 21, 2021

Yeah Teddy shits his pants thought that too... Look how that has turned out.... looking forward to reading your obituary...

I think he may just have a bit of Cat Scratch Fever. A course of Ivermectin, Vitamin C and D, will set him right within 48 hours.

@BDair i have some Ivermectin you can borrow, it's what i give my dogs monthly as a heartworm preventative.

I don't think I'll need it. I have had no ill effects from the virus after it has circulated in the population for a year and a half. I have taken no precautions. No social distancing, no mask wearing, no sanitizing, no vaccines. I am not obese, diabetic, or elderly and I eat a healthy plant based diet and supplement with Vit D and Melatonin. I am not at any risk of dieing from a corona virus. However, Ivermectin has proven to be a very effective treatment for viral infections at all stages of the disease. It has been approved for off label use in humans for decades and is considered one of the most effective medicines on the planet and has won its developer the Nobel Prize.


I am in the 'wine placebo' arm of the experimental genomic therapy trials. So far the placebo has been 100% effective in preventing infection by a corona virus.

BDair Level 8 Apr 21, 2021

Having been in several trials of Lyme Disease preventative (non of which made it to market) i can state with 100% confidence that no participants in a legitimate trial can know which group they are in until the trial has ended. To have even one participant know negates the entire trial immediately.
Therefore you are in some off-market "trial" or a liar.

You obviously have a keen sense of humor.

@BDair not about dying, just ain't that


Meh....most of us. know the odds are reduced with one shot...strongly reduced with a second. The J and J shot had blood clot complications...but that turned up in very unhealthy people. We also know that there's still a chance that we could have the vaccines and still be a carrier/spreader. The courteous and scientific/fact minded among us don't mind.


Robecology Level 9 Apr 20, 2021

You don't 'know' that. It is just what they have told you. There are serious adverse reaction events happening to thousands of people all around the planet 'after' having their jabs. It is unknown if the 'vaccines' will prevent infection or spread, how long they will be effective, or what the long term side effects will be. None these things were considered in the trials. What is scientifically validated in the scientific literature is that people that have been exposed to the actual virus will mount a long lasting and robust immune response to the virus and any variants.

@BDair So you're knocking the science that supports vaccine immunity and you're supporting, without documentation, the value of natural acquired immunity?


Natural immunity is well documented. []

Many people have natural cross immunity from previous exposure to corona viruses, some of which could have been a common cold. []

@BDair []


What a damned fool thing to say.... The whole point of the vaccine is to be able to go out and do things again and of course you will have to still wear a mask because stupid Qanon jackasses think Bill Gates is plotting to inject them with the Windows operating system so they will catch a virus... We might have to wait for them to all die off before this pandemic ends and they stop acting as a breeding ground for new mutations of the virus... Which thinking about it isn't really that bad an idea.
Oh look hopefully we will soon be rid of this stupid bastard... Teddy Nugent just caught the virus and says he feels like he is dying...

If you have been fully vaccinated, why should you need to continue wearing a mask and social distancing? An effective vaccine by definition gives you immunity, and prevents infection and spread.

@BDair #Sighs* here we go again... You can still get the flu after receiving the yearly flu shot but it is not as likely to kill you...
"The CDC released the study yesterday: COVID-19 Outbreak Associated with a SARS-CoV-2 R.1 Lineage Variant in a Skilled Nursing Facility After Vaccination Program — Kentucky, March 2021

Then one of my favorite sources for COVID-related information, Your Local Epidemiologist (Katelyn Jetelina) broke it down for us in easily understandable terms: Outbreak after a vaccination campaign in Kentucky — And what we can learn from it.

Here’s the story.

A skilled nursing facility in Kentucky offered 3 vaccination clinics for staff and residents in January and February 2021. They succeeded in vaccinating 90.4% of residents and 52.6% of staff; however, many staff members and a few of the residents refused the vaccine after being offered multiple opportunities.

On March 1, an unvaccinated, COVID-infected, symptomatic staff member came to work, and an outbreak was soon in progress. The facility started testing everyone with rapid antigen tests as soon as they figured out an outbreak was underway.

When the outbreak subsided, the vaccine had done impressive (though not flawless) work, and the consequence of NOT vaccinating was heartbreaking:

    Attack rates were three to four times lower (25% vs. 75% among residents; 7% vs. 30% among staff)
    Symptom rates were lower (33% vs. 83% among residents; 50% vs. 94% among staff

    Hospitalization rates were lower (3% vs. 50% among residents, no staff were hospitalized)

    Death rates were lower (1.4% vs. 25% among residents; no staff died)

Out of 8 unvaccinated residents, 6 were infected, 4 were hospitalized, 2 died.

Out of 71 vaccinated residents, 18 were infected, 2 were hospitalized, 1 died.

The virus turned out to be a particularly nasty variant, but even so the vaccine (Pfizer in this case) gave pretty impressive protection.

I’ll let Your Local Epidemiologist have the last word:

Your decision to not get a vaccine has direct implications on others, even among those already vaccinated. Get. that. vaccine."

That works for me!


Going out more depends on the assurance that the vaccines work against the variants. Given the desire and need to get back to normal, you would think that the CDC would make release of this information a priority.

(A day later) I now realize that information will NOT be released because Trump and the Republicans politicized masks and vaccines and the CDC doesn't want to give them an excuse. Are they still human enough that we should try to save them?

racocn8 Level 9 Apr 20, 2021
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