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Anti fact ers

Moravian 8 May 5
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My last word (or John Oliver's) in this thread...

phxbillcee Level 10 May 5, 2021

Last words is unavailable for Canadians.

@Castlepaloma onion router!


I should, & do, know better. Engaging w/ delusional people is just fruitless & frustrating. From now on I'll respond w/ Memes only, if that. The anti-vaxxers, crystal-wearers, homeopathy believers & FEers can't be talked to.

phxbillcee Level 10 May 5, 2021

Could be a Big difference between us.

I find most people are basically good.

By your list of labels you don't get along with most people.

@Castlepaloma I get along just fine w/ reasonable people. I'll admit to little patience for deliberately ignorant or malicious people, which, no matter what you profess, I see you as a prime example.

Since I think everything in moderation, and labels don't stick. If you can't find anything of evidence of my malice or great ignorant. Your just stuck with only your opinions and unwarranted judgments.

@Castlepaloma unfortunately as a rule that seems to be more than enough for them, i guess

This time🤭 we beat them up enough

Man, I hope you understand that I am not antivaxx at all, and would encourage you to do whatever seems best to you, ok? But if you are not participating in the same germ pool as the rest of society, there is going to be a price to pay. Pls consider the possibility that you might be participating in your own demise, as thousands of health professionals beyond the reach of the AMA have already stated

You might even examine what you have chosen to...not reply to here, in this thread


Um, wouldn’t the antivaxxers all die at some point, making the meme irrelevant?
“When did fascism become the default?” someone will ask

i mean, not to put too fine a point on this, but “when you find yourself agreeing with everyone else, it’s time to pause and reflect” or whatever

Great way to further divide us though, huh? We end up with the healthy on one side, and those who believe injecting aluminum and mercury will improve their health on the other side; the fluoride is, surely, working

bbyrd009 Level 7 May 5, 2021

“When did fascism become the default?” A good point. The meme somehow implies forcefulness of not getting vaccinated. There could also be a meme describing the pro-vax forcing everyone else to get a jab. Divisive indeed.
If I remember correctly, the British government is aiming that everybody will have been offered a jab by the end of July, which is different from saying that everybody will have had a jab by the end of July, i.e., it is not mandatory. People are still free to choose to or not to have a jab in the UK.

You are so full of it...


They make vaccine with the mental ingredients sound friendly,

I know from most food products stating they are friendly, not.

@Ryo1 No one is being "forced" here, either. Tho, if I ran a business & my employees either interacted w/ the public, of were in a somewhat crowded work-space, I would insist on them getting vaccinated, or having a legitimate medical reason not to, before they could return to work.

@phxbillcee Agreed. I'm pro-vax myself but I acknowledge that there are people who are hesitant to have a jab for rational reasons. I first thought I liked the meme, but then I realised it was a little divisive.

@phxbillcee what if one had already been exposed and was asymptomatic?

and no, no one is being forced, but the coercion by way of belittling and denigration, wtf is all that about? That is what speaks volumes imo

@phxbillcee :crickets ya, thought so

@phxbillcee “ You are so full of it...

[]” ah well ty, I sit corrected


Funny fact—not sure how to check it—but I guess vaccinators initially promised herd immunity at about like 10% saturation, but it has slowly risen to over 90%, today

bbyrd009 Level 7 May 5, 2021

It has never been proposed at any level below 80%, this definition hasn't changed in a decade

herd im·mu·ni·ty
Learn to pronounce
noun: herd immunity; plural noun: herd immunities

resistance to the spread of an infectious disease within a population that is based on pre-existing immunity of a high proportion of individuals as a result of previous infection or vaccination.

"the level of vaccination needed to achieve herd immunity varies by disease but ranges from 83 to 94 percent"
Translate herd immunity to
Definitions from Oxford Languages

Did you sleep through high school biology?

Some less enlightened countries such as UK and USA thought initially that if they let the disease run wild eventually herd immunity would result. They didn't factor in the fact that the hospitals would be overwhelmed with ill people and the death rate in the elderly would be enormous.
The figure for herd immunity has always been in excess of 70% which is close to being achieved in the UK with over 50% of the population inoculated and a sizable number with natural immunity.

Why take an inch, when they can take a mile out of the hides of the herd mentally.

Let say for sure if herd immunity hits 94% vaccinated. Is the cartoon sign incorrect saying everyone else is not an anti vaxxers, which the majority are just not for the vaccines. MeanWail politicains, multi media and billionaires are truly the huge winners in this game, and obviously we have been the losser so far.

When zero or 1% is fully vaccinated globally.

@Castlepaloma As of May 4, 7.9% of the worlds population has gotten 1 shot, and 3.6 % are fully vaccinated. I was speaking to facts, not the cartoon. If you have facts, not numbers pulled out of your ass like the zero, I'll be glad to listen.

Just as with every other vaccine in the history of the world, it is done nation by nation. Each nation then decides on whether to require the vaccine for anyone crossing its border. When I got my first passport, I had to carry a shot record with it. If you couldn't prove you had a particular shot, you were denied entry or placed in quarintine upon return.

The reason we don't worry about people dieing from smallpox and a host of other diseases is we have required shots for them for school children.

@glennlab “this definition hasn't changed in a decade”
However, at the dawn of “vaccinations,” polio era i guess? Scientists were saying that herd immunity would be achieved at a much lower %, and if i recall correctly they were saying closer to 10% then

, @Moravian “ The figure for herd immunity has always been in excess of 70%”
Well, you might think so, you might have even been told that, but it is not true, as near as i can tell. Of course being a gnostic this won’t affect you any, just putting it out there.

@bbyrd009 Please site a source, don't just pull "facts" out of your ass. In my lifelime I have never heard or seen any figure below 70%. Sabins vaccine was licensed in 1960, we achieved a 94 % vaccine rate by 1964, by 1994, polio was considered eliminated in the Americas. NIH

and of course any evidence of that would naturally be Zucc’ed out of existence now, i guess...
I would keep looking, but I’m pretty sure y’all would just manufacture some objection even then?

So iow all of the signs in the world—immunity from indemnity for manufacturers of vaccines, that shift all of the burden and none of the profits to the people; escalating estimates for herd immunity; vaccine courts—these will not sway you, bc you have already made up your mind

@glennlab i guess polio was already done in the americas by the time the vaccine was introduced, as that chart you have surely seen and do not like would attest

And while i am still passively looking, hopefully you understand why i am not too plexed about proving anything to someone who already knows everything; even if I found evidence, it would be denied or discounted in some way

So vaccinate, with my blessings, ok?

@glennlab Maybe you and Moravian could duke it out for whether the current correct lowest estimate is 70 or 80%? “Two men enter, one man leaves” is what i would suggest 🙂
Obviously one of you is off right?

“ It has never been proposed at any level below 80%”
Lol, how tf would you know?
3 minutes of web search?
Gnostics, jesus

@bbyrd009 Since you are so woefully misinformed to believe that polio was the beginning of the vaccine age, and I'm more sure that you don't have even a basic understanding of biology and don't undertand that facebook is not the purveyor of real information. NIH, CDC, WHO all have archives on line there are a lot more sites.

The earliest mandated vaccines in the Americas was by Gen, George Washington for smallpox in the Continental Army. 100 % of the soldiers were vaccinated.

I don't know everything, but I do know how to research. I have become an expert in many areas due to a need for spedific information. I also know that information is constantly updated with new findings and how to distinguish between fact and opinion. If it doesn't have cites,or. hasn't been peer reviewd published, it is opinion

@bbyrd009 Maybe you can go back to high school, since you abviously didn't learn anything the first time.

Either 70 or 80% are light years different from your 10% figure that you obviously just pulled that number out of your ass. I will go with the NIH numbers,

If you don't like agnosticts go back to facebook where you can spout your uninformed bs with impunity.

@glennlab why do Gnostics always have to be such nazis, i wonder? You can’t dissent without being a dick about it? Dunning-Kruger is a bitch, huh

I mean, what will you say when i find the citation? You’ll just forward some new objection, prolly on a diff subject entirely, right?

Yes, 70-80% is worlds away from 10%, that was the point, which I presented as anecdotal evidence anyway? It’s just a figure i recall reading somewhere about twenty years ago, ok asshole?

“ How Much Herd Immunity Is Enough?
Scientists initially estimated that 60 to 70 percent of the population needed to acquire resistance to the coronavirus to banish it. Now Dr. Anthony Fauci and others are quietly shifting that number upward.”


lol, they’re still doing it, so now what?
Ps, we’re already down to 60% without even trying, so how might that change your gnostic lecture lol

“ I will go with the NIH numbers, since...”
since you are an indoctrinated fascist asshole who believes everything the gov tells them, more like. Could you go bloviate at someone else? Ty

@bbyrd009 Never met a nazi agnostic, do you even know what the term means? Nazis are far right wing ideologues , they are fascist. Gnostics and Agnostics are not the same thing. You should sue your Jr high school for failing to give you an education.

@glennlab yes, and im sure your penis is so much larger than mine, too, ok
Have a nice day
of course I don’t expect you to address the facts lol

@bbyrd009 a;ll I have done is cite facts, you on the other hand have stooped to name calling . Tell me one fact that I have not addressed, you just want to sea lion.

@bbyrd009 & yet you didn't really address any facts, just your opinions. You are so dishonest here, in both your presentation & your approach. & then don the "reasonable" mantle, a la Shapiro. Nice role model.

Only check one site said zero to 1% maybe that wasn't up to date.. Found another maybe closer to your figure.

Still very far far away to a 94%. Which nothing anywhere or at anytime ever comes close to this scale . Or has ever been attempted any which way. Many people now are realizing again and again. They have been duped again and again by the Government and by corporationism who will sell you the rope to hang yourself.

@Castlepaloma On that same site, so on two pages and you will find the world map penetration. The US is still a long way at I believe 30-40%, but it took 4years for polio to get to 94%. Canada is behind, but I think that has as much to do with your large land mass and low population densities as any other factors.

@bbyrd009 I was one of the first in the UK to have the polio vaccine back in the late '50's.There had been reports of some people becoming ill from the vaccine or the oral Salk one so a couple of parents wouldn't let their kids be immunised. This didn't really matter as over 90% were immunised and polio is much less infectious than Covid 19.
Polio still occurs in some third world countries although it could quite easily be eradicated if some ignorant and superstitious people didn't refuse to let their children be vaccinated.
I'm not sure what point you are trying to make but your rambling discourse does not make a lot of sense.

@Moravian well, my rambling discourse started with the qualified observation that i had once read of vaccine manufacturers initially promising herd immunity at as low as 10%, whether in the polio or another era i don't recall. Although that was something like 20 years ago, i had thought i might find similar reflections in a web search today, but as i say why do all that work for some diaper wearing asshat that would just gloss it anyway?

And then "Dr" Fauci came to my rescue, in the NY Times link, above, stating "as low as 60%," which of course still didnt shut diaper-boy up, as i doubt he can read anyway, and now you're all caught up; government agencies lie like dogs, to suit whatever agenda they are pushing that day, and ps the CIA did in fact assassinate JFK, 911 was almost surely an inside job, and you know-it-all bitches can either get over it, or dont, idc.

Go vaccinate, with my blessings, ok? Your gov never lies to you, and democratically elected governments, do, in fact, overthrow themselves. Have a nice day

@glennlab "In my lifelime I have never heard or seen any figure below 70%"

well if you would just pull your head out far enough for your ears to be exposed that might change eh? As your hero Dr Fauci has made plain in the NYT link. Have a nice day, numbnuts

@bbyrd009 I won't stoop to your level of name calling, but i hope your mother runs out from under the porch and bites you.

@glennlab so who fucking cares what you hope, you fucktard troll? Address the Dr Fauci comment, or fuck off, irdc
i came to "" precisely to get away from raging gnostic egos like yourself, wadr

@bbyrd009 wow do you know what an idiot you sound like?

@glennlab Yeah, now you want to take the highroad, right? So for what it’s worth I just had oral surgery, guess my tolerance is a little low. How about we pretend I just ignored your initial dur comment, or maybe just replied with the New York Times link? Then you can pretend that you still know everything, and you haven’t learned anything today; how about that?

“ It has never been proposed at any level below 80%, this definition hasn't changed in a decade”


@Moravian I’m not antivaxx Mora, honest injun. More like pro-immunity, maybe?
Um, you think Mercury and aluminum compare to fire extinguisher foam, in that analogy?
I could mention that we don’t have foam courts, yeh, but tbh I’m not tryna sway anyone, bam do what you think is best imo


Describing your thought process?

Funny many people were calling pharmaceutical giant evil. Suddenly they are your saviours by no evidence changes.

Keep following those billionaire and their puppets on their strings.
For sure their royal shit doesn't stink.

@Castlepaloma Swear to Yah, ppl deserve everything they get!

When they really unearth every baby man and women on the globe. it's impossible, yet imagine if they were successful, then they would vaccinate every dog, cat, lizard and all animals on the planet.

They are not aware there is whole communities similar to mine who are self govern themselves and seriously care what goes into their bodies. On the other hand there are so many that have been programmed for so long there hypnosis slips are showing and they don't care what goes into their bodies.

@Castlepaloma Seriously, Dude, get back on your Meds!

Being into the health foods , that is also the once of medicine vs, your mainstream medical profession pound of cure. It's no wonder mainstream live shorter life expectancy, and number 1 cause of death.

Won't touch their synthetic drugs or pay a mortgage of a doped up quack.


you have to laugh or else you would scream




Not anti anything,
Yet, it's pretty well the other way round being forced upon us.

Oh dear, and I thought Canadians were more sensible than their southern neighbours

An open mind can be a wonderful thing, try it.

Sleepy Joe says vaccines are 100% safe and most senior are vaccinated and covid has dropped.
As of April of last year, Covid way up with worst lockdown regardless of vaccine roll out.
India is in their 2nd wave per capita overall they are 1/10th covid of the US. China that the US keeps blaming are per capita 1/300th Covid deaths of US.
South and Africa are generally way lower in Covid deaths than North America and Europe.

This reminds me of chemotherapy when it was the cure for cancer and cancer was rare, today chemo has a 2.3 success rate of remission over 5 years.

In Canada when I add up all the flue deaths since I was born, it is 30 times greater than the covid with no lockdowns. With flu it was just stay home until you feel better.

Vaccinate sleepy Joe just offered all kinds of goodies to show up and get that poke. This is one of the most ridiculous crap I have heard yet. He hopes to have free tickets to sports events, discount coupons for stores where one takes the vaccine, and more.
Enter at 6.09

Banks and state are playing yo'alls like an amazing fiddle. Stick this world covid order normal up your arse.

Don't get angry that's not efficient. In my province Covid holds the whole hospital for many hours hours or months. Heart check ups take a year by phone with 5000 deaths in a year death by heart diseases. Covid only 2 death's in one year.

@Castlepaloma Just for you, Buttercup...


That's me, pro diseases.
No sense being against it, that would be part of the problem. Understand it , and loving it to death works best for me.

@Castlepaloma May you hurry to your destination.

I wouldn't wish harm onto anyone. My Destiny would be, being like my friend and students of health and medicine. He lives age 107, In my second home town Santa Familia Belize. When I die,... because nobody gets out alive.
It will be with integrity.

@Castlepaloma (from phx) “May you hurry to your destination.”
@phxbillcee (from Castle) “I wouldn't wish harm onto anyone.”
I’m noticing this as a common dynamic in these convos, hmm

@bbyrd009 Yeah, he says he wishes harm to no one but pushes anti-vax propaganda. & mine was a response to his "loving it to death", so there's that...

Only have two rule be honest and don't harm. Mainly love and work, as the world is my family.. Don't allow any enemies, so i leave that up to extreme nationalism and religion.

Another label that doesn't stick is anti -vax. First off, not against anything.
Second, I've taken several different vaccines for all of the continents. Just not for like the people behind the mask of the Covid vaccines.

As long as I don't stick something into someone's arm. I'll keep my perfect record of no harm. You can mainly kill yourselves or get help from your phycopath leaders. Plus the number 1 cause of death in the world, the medical profession.

@phxbillcee by all means go with that, if it makes you feel better for a minute, sure

@Castlepaloma “China that the US keeps blaming are per capita 1/300th Covid deaths of US”
So—although I certainly don’t know this for sure either—it seems to me that both US and China are likely lying about their numbers, US inflating them for our resident Financial Predators, and China ignoring them bc .03% is pretty easy to hide, and as they’ve been blamed for the “outbreak,” claiming zero or vastly reduced numbers provides better optics?

“That's me, pro diseases”
I’m not sure how humans got on the “germs bad” bandwagon—doesn’t anyone remember about ten years ago, when we were told to stop using “antibacterial” soap so much, bc superbugs? Guess not?

But anyway, it is invariably kids swimming in nasty rivers and whatnot who have the highest immunity, and elderly who have little social contact (and disinfect everything) who have the lowest.

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