Urinal Neighbor - Key & Peele
Must be going out with the wrong women....
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Sorry, tho I hope you can get Key & Peele in some way where you are. Was a great show!
@phxbillcee this got a snigger (just using the word before the politically correct ban it!)
@phxbillcee Do you laugh at my remark, the video clip or both?
@FrayedBear Mostly the clip, but, maybe a little at the remark. I did assume is was meant humorously.
I don't get the humor...Anyone care to explain? @phxbillcee?
Must not have visited many public restrooms.
@phxbillcee I have. I still don't "get it".
@Robecology Okay, then, an "over the top" of the vocalizations some guys make while urinating. Then, at the end we find out he hadn't even started yet, gushed & finished in just a second or two, with no vocalization, & left, leaving the other guy flabbergasted. Was that any help?
(Not all humor appeals to all people, so if you didn't find it funny, well, you just didn't find it funny. It happens to all comedy & comedians. Not everything will resonate with everybody.)
@phxbillcee I LOVE Key and Peele...but I'm sorry....I didn't get the humor. Thanks for explaining it.
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