5 12

Hmmm... LOL

scurry 9 June 4
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no. people should be recyled for any medically valuable bio chemicals or internal appliances, and then the left overs processed like dead animals and returned to forest floors to aid trees in containing co 2. cemeteries are the dangerous religious bullshit of our endlessly self indulgent species, so is cremation. if were going to escape religion, lets escape all of its atavistic millstones

holdenc98 Level 7 June 5, 2021

Unless they mess up and put your head at the bottom then you are going to have a blinding headache from all of the blood rushing to your head. ;}

Budgie Level 8 June 5, 2021

Makes sense. Some very old churches in England appear to have sunk into the ground over the millenia but it is actually the ground that his risen with hundreds of bodies being buried in the graveyards.

Moravian Level 8 June 5, 2021

interesting. details?


People should be cremated .

KateOahu Level 8 June 4, 2021

I'd rather blast them off before they've died!

phxbillcee Level 10 June 4, 2021
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