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To paraphrase Labour chancellor Dennis Healey . Tax them until the pips squeak

Moravian 8 July 7
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I concur with the strategy to raise taxes on the wealthy...and I'm so disheartened by Elon Musk's pursuit of living on Mars....

But as a Tesla owner since 2013...and just a retired public school teacher with no "gifts' nor inheritances to speak of....I must speak out for Elon Musk.

He's different than Branson and Bezos.

He's committed to changing the energy use from Fossil fuels to Renewables.[]

He's not greedy....two of the 3 top cars re-percentage made in America - are Teslas.

He's opened his Patents to all other Electric Vehicle (EV) car makers. In his geekish manor, he worded his statement in the language of foreign =-made gamers.


He's not a player like Branson and Bezos...he's a good father to his 6 kids.


I share this same sentiment whenever I see Musk attacked on FB - either by the union people (who hate him because - while he offers a much lower salary than most car makers...he offers much higher benefits).

So - to summarize; I agree with the higher taxes...but we need to cut Elon some slack.

Robecology Level 9 July 8, 2021

churches who promising sky homes also need to pay

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