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Fool me twice..

mistymoon77 9 July 11
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New meaning to brotherly love

bobwjr Level 10 July 11, 2021

You know, given all the stupid irrational things most humans do, maybe we are all a result of too much inbreeding?

BD66 Level 8 July 11, 2021

Try to get answers from xtians when you ask them, if Adam & Eve were the only people, where did their sons go to get "wives"? Wasn't the only woman around Eve? If they supposedly went elsewhere for spouses, where the heck did those folks come from? Did they marry monkeys? & don't you xtians then keep saying we didn't evolve from apes?

I still haven't heard any good explanations on this. Incest or beastiality, one or the other seems the only options, unless of course the original story of "Adam & Eve" being the Founders of the whole human race are false from the start.

phxbillcee Level 10 July 11, 2021

I've always thought that the "burning bush" had some significance.

Maybe that's where the word motherfucker comes from.


I've always thought that.

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