I might ask - "In what?"
Uh, the bet between Mom & Dad???
In a guy's anus at a bath house?
@Mooolah Oscar Wilde was gaoled for homosexuality that didn't involve a male anus in a bathhouse! [biography.com]
@Moravian Only about 15 years ago Alistair Hulett was campaigning to save his local bathhouse in Glasgow. I don't know if he succeeded. His lasting claim to recognition are his many songs that he wrote. Here is Red Clydesiders, the title track of the suite that Alistair wrote:
@FrayedBear I lived in London in the '60's and we had trouble with the plumbing in the flat we rented so we used to go along to the local bath house to have a bath. I don't know if they had communal baths there but I remember individual rooms with huge baths and enough hot water to float a battleship. A great asset to the community but I am sure it has long gone.
@Moravian Seemingly they are now called spa's, gay bathhouses & spas. You can follow some interesting links from -
Posted by noworry28Yes, they should also give the imaginary sky daddy the blame as well.
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Posted by backtobasicsAfter this last election, please be safe.