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Just a few memes! Lol

MichelleGar1 9 Aug 11
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Yeah, well that real one isn't quite so free, when you actually look at what you have to give up to get it! Like having mRNA injected into your body that can cause anything from paralysis to DEATH!!! Oh yeah, Pal! That is quite the bargain there for sure! And your heart can swell up with inflammation, you can get kidney and liver and heart failure too as a part of the deal! Just because the government is paying Big Pharma for these POISONS, doesn't really make them free!
Since there's no one who is being denied a shot of these POISONS, why not just leave us stupid people alone so we can all die off, and leave you smart super spreaders with your now POISONED body to live happily ever after? Come this Fall, all of you who have had your natural immune system DESTROYED by the Graphene Oxide and mRNA shots, will be falling over dead! If these shots really work so well, then the ones who get them don't have to worry about me NOT getting any, right? If masks really work, then wear TWO of them so you don't have to worry about me NOT wearing one!

Logician Level 7 Aug 16, 2021

@Logician 🙄🙄🙄




Well chosen.

KateOahu Level 8 Aug 11, 2021

@MsKathleen Thank you!


Good ones sweety

bobwjr Level 10 Aug 11, 2021

@bobwjr Thank you!


You're on a roll today, nice set.

glennlab Level 10 Aug 11, 2021

@glennlab Thank you!


The sort of idiot that will need another $20k if they get caught using it at the Canada/USA Border crossing. Canadian Border Patrol Services have already caught and fined several of these Covidiots trying to enter Canada on fake vaccination certificates.

SnowyOwl Level 8 Aug 11, 2021

@SnowyOwl Good!

@MichelleGar1 cheaper in Australia but then the pollies are probably the main perps.


The second one is sad but true among those people. The 3rd one was very funny.

freedom41 Level 9 Aug 11, 2021

@freedom41 They make the comedy! Lol


If I may - let me add my recent anti-Conservative memes?

Robecology Level 9 Aug 11, 2021

@Robecology Good one's!

I am a bit in the dark here, haven't really followed any news. Yet since babbling baboon T is gone, outside of that, what has the bumbling Biden and Administration done in 5 months in improving world affairs?

@Ello []

@Ello this note to Cruz oughta help you...."Babbling Baboon"? How do you figure?You're not a #Trumpster are you?
Sure sound like it....

@Robecology No, don't really like the idea of loyalty to party or people. If an idea is generally useful and positive, then it matters naught at all where such an idea comes from. That idea should be solely supported.

He is extremely aged, and has been forgetful. Most importantly is he is not of this time, not of the modern world. He is fumbling along in this foreign, modern, tech centered world. What would be better is to start having the more youthful people commandeer this country, to help propel into the current world. Other countries have suppressed us as a nation years before.

The notes in that quote seem well and good, yet there is no clarification or context to anything. "..unemployment rate drop by ~10%..." Was that said before or after the 10 million people quit there jobs, in what is being dubbed, the "Great Resignation."Doesn't matter.

The reason below is super annoying is that don't recall hearing anything happen, or anything being done that has greatly affected the affairs of the world. Just missing something? (Note this was before checking that link you posted.)
"...our standing in the world restored." Doesn't explain at all what that means, no details, nothing. No context, no clarity.

I mean what is even the defining of 'world', like the 'nations of the world' or 'our handling of the Earth/world'. Like without context or clarity, trying to mean which 'world' is being meant in this statement is confusing.
Much like in this statement: "Our standing with the World is being better taking care of."

@Robecology Note, thanks for the link, interesting read so far.

However, still in the dark of the outcomes of such meetings, along with what America offered.

@Robecology Why would I be a T supporter? Seriously.

@Ello Calling Joe a "Babbling Babboon"? Seriously? Very #Trumpster of you. Click on the hash-tagged words if you need more info.

@Robecology The Dude is 78 years old!
That has nothing to do with T, if anyone, you seem to be the one tied up on thinking about T.

The year is 2021, we are in the 21st century, surrounded by advanced modern technology, and we are being led by elderly people, both born before 1980! This is outrages and has nothing to do with T. It would be great to have some competent, youthful leaders!

What, thought you where smart. Now here, not sure what good to think of you now.

@MichelleGar1 why?

@Ello This might help you..tho I doubt it.


@Ello I didn't like either for president, I originally wanted Bernie and that didn't happen so I voted for the next one which was Howie Hawkins.


@Robecology you have a problem?

@Ello No problems...just trying to share info. If you're offended then block me. Sorry.


Everyone is on point but the last one is so good I stole it

Lorajay Level 9 Aug 11, 2021

@Lorajay YAY!!!!

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