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Next time I have Mormon "missionaries" at my door I will ask them about the con man who started the cult.

Moravian 8 Sep 9
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Being born into a Moron (oops, Mormon) family, I was brainwashed as a child to become a Moron. In my mid to late twenties, I did my own research, and discovered that Moronism is a scam based on falsehoods. I am very happy now to be free from such a horrible religion. 😀


I like the "South Park" version- done in 2003 so "tongue-in-cheek" you didn't know if they were serious or not...



Sneaky Smith was living along the Susquehanna River near Bainbridge New York and saw a small cave along the river bank. That is where he supposedly found those magic stones with instructions from god to start that religion and move out west to Utah (which is a long way from the courtroom).

OldGoat43 Level 9 Sep 9, 2021

I think he and his band were chased out of town. Salt Lake city sounds so inhospitable that they were left alone.


best part of the whole COVID experience was no Mormons or JWs knocking on the door


I simply have a padlock on the garden gate & a sign saying door knockers not wanted.

Mormon shonks!

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