He needs to be dragged off the street by a scantily clad woman who drags him into her house and screams and shouts at him to wash the dishes, do the laundry, vacuum clean the house and bottle-feed her baby.
I think the person holding the sign is a woman
Na…just a very overweight and unkept-looking guy! He’s bitter and twisted that he can’t score with women I’d bet!
I think it is an overweight male creep.
@Marionville maybe but I don't see any evidence of facial hair.
@Tejas Really, not all men like having facial hair and shave it off daily…in fact possibly more men in the USA are clean shaven than those with beards, stubble or moustaches. King Gillette founded a whole industry on the sale of razors and blades. In any case from that distance you’d be hard pushed to see the telltale signs of a shaved beard which in close up would likely be quite evident.
@OldGoat43 yes…spot on I’d say!
Could be but no nail polish or earings necklace etc. I think it is a young fat guy.
@Tejas It seems everyone except you thinks he is a man…in any case why would a woman be holding up such a misogynistic placard in the first place? No rationale behind thinking it could be a man when they look masculine and act masculine!
@Marionville I'm not really looking for an argument on something I don't care about, just stating my pov. Religious fundamentalist women have said and done worse for thousands of years, I don't see why this sign would surprise you. Looking for rational people amongst believers is far from the best place to look.
@Tejas Or here on Agnostics at times too I fear! Anyway I think we should draw a line under this now I’m sure you’ll agree!
@Tejas There is a chance given his complexion that he does not have much in the way of facial hair. My brother only needs to shave once a week.
But if it is a woman then she is not living by her own creed as she is out there being vocal (unless her husband/father told her to be out there holding the sign)
Also not sure that a tshirt would be considered modestly dressed as they tend to emphasis breasts a bit.
Judging from his looks he is probably speaking from frustration in not being able to find his 'true' love. I do speak from some evidence as my late partner's oldest daughter was exactly like thins guy. Not for what he believes (except the religious crap) but for her attitude and inability to even find a BF (she just turned 50).
You can spot a loser at 50 paces…no need for him to raise a sign above his head too!
Bet his girlfriend is his right hand and his side chick is his left
Na..no chance. He’d be so lucky to have either!
Hands are useless if you can't find it. ED on top of that.
He wants his mommy back.
He's a delusional ex-latch door key kid.
When did you last read of a "mommy" like that?
Posted by noworry28Yes, they should also give the imaginary sky daddy the blame as well.
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