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😁No complaints from South Florida 😁

noworry28 8 Jan 7
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LOL! I moved to Florida in 77....I miss upstate NY....I miss ice skating and skiing...but I don't miss watching my car skid on the ice or experiencing slips and/or falls on the stuff;

I'm stealing that meme; and here's one for you;


A friend in Florida was just bitching about the snow on the ground and the freezing temps in his poorly insulated house, must be another Florida. Meanwhile in Canada, we are out snowbiking and dressed for the weather, so it just depends on what kinda crazy you are willing to live with. lol

SnowyOwl Level 8 Jan 7, 2022

Briefly had an anorexic New Zealander living next door. In the middle of winter he used to walk around wearing only a skinny T shirt, shorts and thongs. I'm told that in NZ they frequently don't bother with the skinny T shirt!

Florida doesn't have snow. I doubt that you have a friend from Florida bitching about that. Just in case you want to look it up it was 80°F (26.6°C) where I am

@noworry28 2 inches in the panhandle this past week and it was more like whining than bitching, it only lasted for a few hours but you would have thought it was the end of the world.

@FrayedBear My Canadians all wore shorts and Tshirts in the winter when I was building in Bermuda but my local workers would show up in winter coats. lol It's all relative to what a person is used to.

@SnowyOwl Oh ok. I am in South Florida. The panhandle dropped 50°F(10°C) in less than 24 hours. From 74°F to 34°F (23.3°C to 1.1°C). When the body is not used to that it's a real shock 😳


It's terrible being hot and humid year round said this woman.

Theresa_N Level 8 Jan 7, 2022

Don't wear tight knickers and if desperate for relief try inserting an icy pole! Otherwise Stanislaus isn't bad.

I guess It depends on your family roots and heritage....I hove it hot and humid!

And buggy. I love the time of year where you can go out and there are no mosquitoes or gnats and you aren’t covered in sweat every moment of the day. The winters are nice but the summers are hell, then there’s hurricane season…

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