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For the anti~vaxxers

CurmudgeonBoy 6 Jan 18
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Good one!

Robecology Level 9 Jan 19, 2022

Perhaps Omicron will hang around for awhile to work its magic.

racocn8 Level 9 Jan 19, 2022

Stephanie Miller is selling these as part of her Die, Already line.


So I live in Darwin my first thought was hug (because we currently have omicrom running rampant) but in a way yeah it is Darwinism that the anti vaxxers are getting hit the hardest.

Budgie Level 8 Jan 18, 2022

I'm sure Darwin would have inspired natural evolution than the falsely vaccines of lies, lies and lies.

@Castlepaloma Trying to understand what you meant by that sentence.

So I guess you are an anti vaxxer. If that is the case then when you get sick with Covid 19 please do not crowd up a hospital stay home and fight it off by yourself.

Vaccines work if they don't stop the disease dead in it tracks (small pox, diptheria, pertussis, tetnus, measles, mumps, chicken pox, polio, rubella, human papilloma virus - leads to cervical cancer) then it greatly reduces the length of time you are ill and the severity of that illness. (influenza, Covid 19)

While there can be individual incredibly rare side effects (I know of one recorded case of a girl dying after the HPV vaccine in all of the time it has been given out ie decades and millions of boys and girls) these pale when compared to the millions that would die each year if there were no vaccines not to mention those that would be permanently impaired after getting the disease, (ever seen a person who recovered from polio? I have my aunt who is now in a wheelchair due to the arthritis in her joints that started when she was 20 as a result of polio)

Individual results depend on the immune system of each person and underlying conditions.

The science bears this out.
There is no further discussion needed.


Lived through part the age of Polio age of a total 3000 deaths in North America. .Many died of flu. in Canada in my lifetime more have died of flu than Covid today. Same with Covid where the flu had more people died that took the flu shots. I didn't take the flu shot and did not catch the flu. Its no use showing you stats from different continents showing the highest vaccinated countries got the highest rate of Covid cases and death. I can offer a vote to the greatest mass psychosis humans have experience since the second world war, A mass pyschosis more deadly than any virus or natural disaster. Similar to germ warfare back then and same centralist like in WW2

I the present the Darwin awards to Covid vaccines. Great job you Mother fuckers and God Fathers



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