So I did some searching there was one article saying he died of Covid but no real details just the comment above and a whole lot of information about his life that was already public knowledge.
I did find numerous articles that have said the family have not and will not release the cause of death.
So at this point we can not make the claims above.
Yes he railed against the restrictions saying he wanted to live his life.
"he wanted to live his life"....and endanger everyone elses.....yup.
@LucyLoohoo From what I read it meant it hugged people (who let him) he went out and did things. Many people are doing this and not endangering others.
He stated he was scared of getting it but did not want to let that stop him.
He was anti vax which seems to diametrically opposed ideas.
I am scared of getting covid so I am vaxxed to the max and I wear a mask, do not travel if I don't have to, socially distance etc.
If he got covid he paid for his choices. If he didn't then he was lucky.
Misguided, but totally correct about mask effectiveness. I recall one major airline boss saying masks on planes is fairly stupid, especially long haul flights.
If the airline boss didn't have a degree in virology, he was talking out of his ass. He shouldn't be considered a good source of intelligent information on mask effectiveness.
@AtheistInNC You don't need a degree, just 2 brain cells to rub together.
There are masks that stop viruses, but the vast majority don't wear those and if they do, they wear incorrectly. Other areas that need protection from viral invasion, eyes and ears, are left unprotected.
An airplane is an enclosed place with recirculated air. People unable to distance.
People remove masks to eat and drink.
Masks were never designed to stop spread (they are instead PPE: protect you not others) which is how they are used for covid. And as such, they only restrict spread from exhaled breath which is helpful for short periods in open areas where people may stay apart. But a plane? Long haul flights?
You need someone with a degree to tell you that? Can't work it out yourself?
The MASKS are effective. The people are not.
In addition, the recirculated air is filtered and fresh air from the outside is pumped in as well.
"The ratio of fresh to recycled air in a plane is 50-50 percent, and two things happen with recirculated air: Some air is dumped overboard while the remainder is pumped through HEPA air filters, which remove more than 99 percent of all contaminants, including bacteriologic agents."
I don't think those are brain cells you are rubbing together ... you might want to adjust your palm to above the belt.
He got what he deserved for believing rights were more important than his health.
I work with others who think this way every day. My oldest daughter was one of them until recently when her rights became second place and her health went to first place. They would not treat her cancer unless she became vaccinated.
And to hell with anyone who might be in his vicinity? Whatta' fine fellow!
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