6 15

can't happen soon enough.

I stand with Ukraine and we need to do more

bookofmorons 8 Feb 26
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Putin the Putrid needs to be shot.

anglophone Level 9 Feb 28, 2022

I Hope this ends for him like it did for Caesar. One of his generals need to realize how fucked up his head is and finish him with a bullet. Let Navalny out of jail and put him in charge and get this world headed to peace

joeandbarb Level 7 Feb 28, 2022

I share this with all the folks on Facebook sending "thoughts and prayers"...feel free to copy and paste!

Robecology Level 9 Feb 27, 2022

I think there should be a pay per view event where they give Putin an enema with a lit road flare. then give the money to the Govt. of Ukraine

joeandbarb Level 7 Feb 27, 2022

I would settle for watching him scream in agony while his toes, ankles, knees, hips, fingers, wrists, elbows and shoulders were slowly crush to pulp.

@anglophone that's another good option


I’m partial to dropping him off in the middle of the Serengeti just before nightfall. (Pop quiz:what is Africa’s most efficient predator with a kill rate of 85%?)


We all join you in that wish.

OldGoat43 Level 9 Feb 26, 2022
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