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Free yourself from a fixed mindset.

Ryo1 8 May 12
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There is one regarding fertility and having children...that's education. The more education fertile women have the fewer chidren they have.

Robecology Level 9 May 13, 2022

Maybe so, maybe not.

@Ryo1 That was based on scientific research.

Here's the research that prove it's definitely "so".


Look at it this way....

What's your guess as to how many of those who ended up in prison were "planned" or came in to a family loved and cared for?

I have data/research on that as well.


My husband and I were together for almost 13 years before we got married. It was what worked for us and we are very happy.

Friends of ours were together for 3 months, got pregnant, and got married 3 months after that. They're still together 10 years later, but miserable.

There is definitely no formula.

Kynlei Level 8 May 13, 2022

Non-white races and ethnicities vary regarding their judgment of appearance, and may be less inclined to discard one based on appearance. Appearance is a major issues White women use for not accepting a man. Being with a different ethnicity presents other challenges for relationships.

racocn8 Level 9 May 12, 2022

Yes, that seems to be a reality. Perhaps less in the UK.

@MaryChristmas Prejudice is difficult for many to overcome.

@MaryChristmas This white this, white that, or white vs black concept seems really toxic in America.


I've lost track but I had friends in high school, both virgins and both Mormons who met at a party and had sex that same night. They were together at least five years.

Buttercup Level 8 May 12, 2022
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