4 9

I'm thinking of becoming a vegetarian now😱

noworry28 8 Jan 3
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Mmmmmm! Tasty? Pricey, I'm sure!


Nice color on the label . . . Solyent Green I think


Ya know....there are lots of hungry people on the planet.....hmmmmm

pamagain Level 8 Jan 3, 2024

SAVES ON FUNERAL COSTS. nO AIR POLLUTION FROM THE CREMATION. There are over 7 billion candidates, so they should never run out of people.

Make that 8 and increasing. Soon they will all be in Chicago fleeing oppression.

Although 7 to 8 billion to choose from, I bet most taste gamey, and most of the rest are diseased.

I'll pass.

@AtheistInNC I was surprised to learn how man people today are diseased.
I went to the hospital yesterday, the doc was absolutely dumbfounded that I was not taking Statins, beta blockers and ACE inhibitors . The hospital could not comprehend that I only take 2000 mg ascorbic acid daily, and am mostly healthy. (save one annoying infection)

@AtheistInNC, @Mooolah you can run but never hide nowadays. best thing is civil disobedience. Opressio0n is our new normal as long as we let ourselves be ruled by fear.


Something similar happened when I joined the Army.

The recruiter asked, "Have you ever smoked pot?" I said, "Never." He looked surprised, then suspicious, and said, "No, really. It won't matter if you have. You can tell me."

I told him, "No, never. One, I don't smoke - and two, I don't waste my money on stupid shit." He sighed, and said, "Okaaaaaayyyyyy ... "

If you have never done drugs, no one believes you.

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Posted by backtobasicsFollow the money, it leads to the truth.

Posted by backtobasicsI don't care, do you? When they can start proving one of their tales is true, maybe, just maybe, I'll listen.

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