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Stone Mountain Georgia. I wonder if they had to form and appoint a committee, who requested name suggestions from the public, and debated for years and spent millions of dollars before the final decision 🤔 on the name of the Mountain. 🤔🤣🤣🤣

noworry28 8 Feb 21
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It really should be a monument to remember our shame, not our glory.

The map below shows when slavery was abolished throughout the world. I grew up in a state where slavery was abolished in 1787, way ahead of the rest of the world. If took pride or shame in what happened 6 generations ago, it should be more of a source of pride than shame that we were on the leading edge of abolition.

@BD66 So continuing to glorify the struggle to maintain the institution of slavery as this monument does is justified?

@CrazySkeptic It not my shame. My great-great grandfather walked off his farm in Missouri at the age of 51 to go fight in Sherman's army. He survived and his oldest son survived, but his youngest son died fighting to end slavery. Why would I be ashamed with respect to slavery?


If they had it would have ended up being called Stoney Curtis, Stoney Mc Stone face or Hitler did nothing wrong.
Just going by experience of what happens when you allow democracy to name things.

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