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Feminist food for thought…

Killtheskyfairy 9 Apr 17
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Feminist food is good food

Bikes4Fish Level 7 Apr 22, 2024

I agree men are visual. I believe women are more audio. Men had to focus on one thing, their prey, their target. Women had to listen for anything that might harm them or their spawn. Men make noise. Motorcycles. Yelling in the canyon. Loud invasive music. Women prefer quiet when the progeny is sleeping or nursing.

Mooolah Level 8 Apr 17, 2024



The idea that men are more "visual" than women is pure BS. Women were told they were/are not visual because that men could control women's sexuality and make excuses for their own. Women like to look at good-looking men every bit as much as men like looking at attractive women. Women enjoy porn, as well.

I always found it amusing when obese, butt-ugly men complained that their wives "let themselves go." Also, when men would tell me that their wives "no longer liked sex" when propositioning me, I told them that if she didn't want them, neither did I.

When I was still on dating sites, men would contact me and say how "sexy" or "good-looking" I was. I would write back, "Yes, I am, but you are ugly as sin." Invariably, I would get one more email calling me a "bitch" who judged men on their looks. Hmmm . . . it was fine for them to judge me on looks, but not for me to do so.

Some would also reply with, "I lied about you being pretty. You are really ugly." I would reply one more time to that saying, "Then you are a liar."

Good gosh--ignore the typos in my post above!

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