4 4

File this under "offensive & Insensitive" ... for when you just have to offend multiple snowflakes.

yaway 6 July 11
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This does not help anything

IamNobody Level 8 July 11, 2018

Kids who shoot up schools are still so much worse.

Kojaksmom Level 8 July 11, 2018

How are they worse? In both cases there are people intentionally taking the lives of others. Sure, you can argue that terrorists were brainwashed by their religion, but you could also argue that kids who shoot up schools are reacting to their mental disorders and years of being bullied.

@bi_heathen97 yes both are bad. Untilk9/11 the worst terrorist attack on us soil was carried out by the American Timothy McVeigh. All people suck but it seems like the Muslims are the ones that everyone is terrified of. In the meantime ,very few of us are fighting to keep guns out of the hands of ingrate little bastards.


My local fb atheist group is imploding at the moment over a tasteless Islam domestic violence post. We try to laugh at it so we aren't crying about it.
Yay shitty mental health resources in the US!!!


Nah. This ones filed under "old and tired memes". That all you got?

... huh

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