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Blood Moon to bring on world's end. Get your rapture tickets now while supplies last.

Snickers77 8 July 26
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I think all mine have been punched!

phxbillcee Level 10 July 26, 2018

@Snickers77 Yeah, I figured the only way I was going to get high were the ones I was already using!

@Snickers77 Lookin' good!


end times more like bout time


It sure will free up the check out lines at walmart!!!
Bring it on!!

KKGator Level 9 July 26, 2018

As per usual I get the pets and the bank accounts.

Maybe a bigger house. 😉

RavenCT Level 9 July 26, 2018

@Snickers77 "Jeebus take the wheel!". lol


I wrote this in 2011

*Now that the latest and greatest of over TWO-HUNDRED rapture predictions has been laid to rest, it is time to reflect on this recurrent bit of evangelical looniness. To all but the most rabid cultists, Harold Camping is an eccentric Bible-Thumper who at least had the guts to expose his bizarre and whacky beliefs to testable scrutiny. Of course, he has failed miserably, much to the glee of people like myself, who are more than just annoyed with this craziness.

Of course, The Real True Christians™ are not surprised and smugly point out that the Bible states that "No one knows the time or the place" that this claimed Rapture will take place. Oh those Whacky Christians! The Twice Born simply LOVE to make predictions that cannot be verified and that can because of necessity be pushed further and further into the future. Ignored is the actual scripture that states "Truly I say to you, this generation will not pass away until all things take place."[Referring to his second coming in Luke 21:32] and the unsettling fact that Jesus is over 2,000 years overdue. Ignored is the practical absurdity of trumpets sounding and white-robed apparitions descending from the heavens to rapture the elect. Ignored is all of the drug-crazed rantings of John in The Revelations, "THE RAPTURE IS GOING TO HAPPEN, I BELIEVE IT!"

To all free-thinkers, Skeptics and scoffers, it's time to call out this madness for what it is. The Religious Crowd that claims that a rapture will occur AT ANY TIME, are just as delusional and crazy as that 90 year-old cadaver, Harold Camping. Of course, we have the convenient mantra that I mentioned above, allowing the believers to ALWAYS make a clean escape to the grave before they can be held accountable for their hallucinations.*

GuyKeith Level 8 July 26, 2018
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