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Looks like they're closing in on the tangerine fuhrer!

Boogey 8 July 27
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I'm not holding my breath.
I'll believe when I see that piece of shit being led away in handcuffs and
an orange jumpsuit.

KKGator Level 9 July 27, 2018

@Boogey That would be great, and I'd well and truly love it. I just don't think anything, short of assassination, is going to take 45 out.
Cohen is in enough trouble for stuff he's done all by himself, stuff that has nothing to do with 45. He's desperate and trying to cut a deal with prosecutors by intimating that he's got dirt on 45. So far, he hasn't been charged with anything. IF Mueller was remotely interested in flipping Cohen, it would have already happened, and Cohen wouldn't be talking to anyone publicly. We never would have heard any of the tapes, either.
If anyone has any REAL dirt on 45, it's going to be Allen Weisselberg. He's been around since old Fred was still alive and knows everything about the finances. Cohen was nothing but a bag man. He's small potatoes. If he actually has anything useful, I'll be surprised.

@Boogey Yeah, they say lots of things on the news. I've been disappointed before. I want to get excited, but I'm not going to.

@Boogey It's all about the follow-through. If there's no follow-through, them being tired of his bullshit means nothing.
So far, no one is showing any of that, except Mueller.
No leaks coming out of that investigation, either.
I really want to believe that Mueller is going to be the one to expose everything. I really do.
I still have my doubts. There's no one in Congress standing up to him.
He still owns the party.

@KKGator, Mueller will not be the one to expose everything. He will expose plenty, don't worry.

But wait, there's more! The entire Cohen investigation is being done by SDNY, not Mueller, remember? They will expose plenty, too.

And then there is the third ring of the circus, the Jeffrey Epstein trial in September. The word "expose" might not be the best one to use here, but people will learn a LOT about tRump, most of it very unpleasant (although some of that may have already come out via SDNY).

As for Congress, the Manafort trial (starting next month) may provide enough evidence to put most of the Republican leadership behind bars.

This will be a very different country by this time next year, and I'm willing to bet it will be different for the better.

Something like this?

@mcgeo52 All that would be lovely, but I'll believe it when it actually happens.

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