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Always sunny in doucheville

Boogey 8 Aug 5
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bright lights are scary inside or out, gonna have disagree with this one. same time you have the right to post w/e you wish

@Boogey cramps that time of month 4 me


@Boogey 2018 can't say hello w/o offending someone, wouldn't worry to much about it if I were u

@Boogey you're obnoxious and not remotely funny? I laugh all the time but you haven't posted a single thing thats actually humourous. You're plain hateful and mean. I imagine the rest of us dislike you for the same reason.

@Boogey your my girl boo, even win we fight, Rodney king once said can't we all just get along, then he was beaten badly


LOL...they wear sunglasses inside so they can stare at people but you can't see who they are looking at. Most people think staring is impolite.

Partyhawk Level 7 Aug 5, 2018

Like that old song says " "The future is so bright, I got to wear shades."

noworry28 Level 8 Aug 5, 2018

Or maybe they are stoned...

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