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Dibs on the middle piece

RobertMartin 8 Aug 5
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Love Dethklock!

Do anything for Dethklock!

@LEPeff pretty much! Their a cartoon metal band! I guess I would be their groupie! Lol

@MichelleGar1 I know! I'm pissed that the series just ended without resolving anything!

@LEPeff I know! It was such a great show! I miss it!

@MichelleGar1 I think that the first line of their theme song is "do anything for Dethklock!"

@MichelleGar1 me too!

@LEPeff I am going to look it up! It's been such a long time!

@LEPeff found it! Lol

@MichelleGar1 cool! I was wrong, but at least I got to hear the theme again. Who is your favorite character that isn't in the band?

@LEPeff the rock and roll clown! He's so stupid! Lol!!! He's based off of David Lee Roth it's spot on! Lol!!! Who is yours?

@MichelleGar1 I was thinking of Dr. Rockso when I asked you! I'm mean, but I like to see him get hurt.

@LEPeff I love when Nathan Explosion tells him that he hates him and then gets the minions to beat him medium style! LMAO!!!

@LEPeff LMAO!!!

@MichelleGar1 what about the therapist, Twinkletits? He make me laugh too!

@LEPeff oh yeah the banana stickers! Hahahahahaha!!!

@LEPeff, @MichelleGar1 u 2 have issues, probably why ilike youll so much

@metalhead222 Dethklock rules!!! Lol

@metalhead222 Enjoy! Lol

@MichelleGar1 ilike anything that frightens Christians , can hear them now after seeing this


@MichelleGar1 you are a bad influence ilike that

@metalhead222 sometimes! Lol


Next pizza I order I’m asking that it be cut like this.


What flavor is the crust?

Livinlife Level 9 Aug 5, 2018

its seasoned with hells fire, kinda taste like chicken

@metalhead222 perfect.. cooked over an open flame

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