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Chicago needs all the help it can get.....

SkotlandSkye 8 Aug 15
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This is extremely offensive. It is equating Blackness with criminality. F.U.

It’s a joke not a dick...don’t take it so hard. Lol. Where in this meme is race even mentioned? The manufactured "outrage" is pointless. Equating "blackness with criminality" is a stretch.....

@SkotlandSkye ok then you explain the (hilarious) connection between Black athletes taking a knee and criminals in Chicago.

This group specifically bans racism because you know what, it isn't funny. And "you can't take a joke" has been the refuge of racist, sexist, homophobic, and all other bigoted jerks for about ever. It doesn't work.

@LionMousePudding alllllllllllriiiiiiiiiiiiiighty then. report me. Do it.

@SkotlandSkye I did. But I have no idea whether this site actually takes bigotry seriously.

@LionMousePudding Thank you for the head's up that I need to block you. I require the people with whom I associate not to have their heads up their asses.

@SkotlandSkye She's right though...even though I laughed too, she's right.


I know I shouldn't laugh......

Carin Level 8 Aug 15, 2018

But at least 3 of you are laughing too!

@Carin oh.....there's definitely some butthurt....LOL

@SkotlandSkye It really is racist though. I really should not laugh but imagining police cars blaring the anthem is I don't know...

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