Then why is the seat down?
Its a shit house.
@GuyKeith you asked, I answered you.
@mistymoon77 I understand and accept your limitations.
@GuyKeith you don't have much of a sense of humor from what I have noticed. Why are you like that? It was a post and meant to be a silly and somewhat true for back in the day when shitters were meant for everyone. Seat up or down, depending on who walked out last.
@mistymoon77 I really hate it when I have to explain everything.
@mistymoon77 You titled the meme: First original any gender bathroom.
I replied: Then why is the seat down?
EXPLANATION If it were any gender, the male would not have left the seat down.
@mistymoon77 he just needs the love of a good woman to turn him around and make him into the man that you always wanted him to be.
@GuyKeith well thats fucking obvious but if he's one that likes to sit on wood rather than a seat, then by all means.. go for it. You are assuming the last person out of there was a women because the seat was down, could have been a guy so don't ever assume.. looks like you are the one that is limited to seeing what you want to see rather than expanding into thinking what could be.
@mistymoon77 [Sigh] He doesn't sit on the wood seat when HE PEES. That was the entire point.
@GuyKeith If its a he/she they do! Some transgenders that sit while they pee. So being any gender, this is and was the first any gender bathroom, no one cares what you are when you walk into one of those like they make such a big deal out of it now days.
Would love to see how you use it, most probably stand on your head looking at your ass ! Or is that just an assumption ?
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